path: root/Math/LinProg/LPSolve
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Diffstat (limited to 'Math/LinProg/LPSolve')
1 files changed, 89 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Math/LinProg/LPSolve/FFI.hs b/Math/LinProg/LPSolve/FFI.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb818df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Math/LinProg/LPSolve/FFI.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
+module Math.LinProg.LPSolve.FFI where
+import Foreign
+import Foreign.C
+import Foreign.Marshal.Array
+import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+type LPRec = Ptr ()
+data ResultCode =
+ NoMemory
+ |Optimal
+ |SubOptimal
+ |Infeasible
+ |Unbounded
+ |Degenerate
+ |NumFailure
+ |UserAbort
+ |Timeout
+ |PreSolved
+ |ProcFail
+ |ProcBreak
+ |FeasFound
+ |NoFeasFound
+ deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
+data ConstraintType =
+ Fr
+ |LE
+ |GE
+ |EQ
+ deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum)
+foreign import ccall "make_lp" c_make_lp :: CInt -> CInt -> IO LPRec
+foreign import ccall "free_lp" c_free_lp :: Ptr LPRec -> IO ()
+foreign import ccall "set_mat" c_set_mat :: LPRec -> CInt -> CInt -> CDouble -> IO CChar
+foreign import ccall "set_rh" c_set_rh :: LPRec -> CInt -> CDouble -> IO CChar
+foreign import ccall "solve" c_solve :: LPRec -> IO CInt
+foreign import ccall "get_variables" c_get_variables :: LPRec -> Ptr CDouble -> IO CChar
+foreign import ccall "set_constr_type" c_set_constr_type :: LPRec -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CChar
+setConstrType :: LPRec -> Int -> ConstraintType -> IO Word8
+setConstrType lp i t = fromIntegral <$> c_set_constr_type lp (fromIntegral i) (fromIntegral $ fromEnum t)
+makeLP :: Int -> Int -> IO (Maybe LPRec)
+makeLP n m = do
+ m <- c_make_lp (fromIntegral n) (fromIntegral m)
+ return $ if m == nullPtr then
+ Nothing
+ else
+ Just m
+freeLP :: LPRec -> IO ()
+freeLP m = with m $ \m' -> c_free_lp m'
+setMat :: LPRec -> Int -> Int -> Double -> IO Word8
+setMat a b c d = fromIntegral <$> c_set_mat a (fromIntegral b) (fromIntegral c) (realToFrac d)
+setRHS :: LPRec -> Int -> Double -> IO Word8
+setRHS a b c = fromIntegral <$> c_set_rh a (fromIntegral b) (realToFrac c)
+solve :: LPRec -> IO ResultCode
+solve lp = (lut M.!) . fromIntegral <$> c_solve lp
+ where
+ lut = M.fromList [
+ (-2, NoMemory)
+ ,(0, Optimal)
+ ,(1, SubOptimal)
+ ,(2, Infeasible)
+ ,(3, Unbounded)
+ ,(4, Degenerate)
+ ,(5, NumFailure)
+ ,(6, UserAbort)
+ ,(7, Timeout)
+ ,(9, PreSolved)
+ ,(10, ProcFail)
+ ,(11, ProcBreak)
+ ,(12, FeasFound)
+ ,(13, NoFeasFound)
+ ]
+getSol :: Int -> LPRec -> IO (Word8, [Double])
+getSol n lp = allocaArray (1+n) $ \arr -> do
+ res <- c_get_variables lp arr
+ vals <- peekArray (1+n) arr
+ let vs = map realToFrac vals
+ return (fromIntegral res, vs)