diff options
authorJustin Bedo <cu@cua0.org>2020-11-04 10:36:28 +1100
committerJustin Bedo <cu@cua0.org>2020-11-04 10:36:28 +1100
commit7b8432e77e4b2e8e6d42bf54d88db8a0f7df7bb8 (patch)
parentf1bfe038d1cea500084e0c27f468321489da49d8 (diff)
contributions slide
2 files changed, 23 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/references.bib b/references.bib
index 4f3708b..2ec514c 100644
--- a/references.bib
+++ b/references.bib
@@ -176,12 +176,17 @@ Year = {2013},
eprinttype = {arXiv},
eprint = {q-bio/1303.3997},
-author={Justin Bed\H{o}},
-title={Bioshake: a Haskell EDSL for bioinformatics pipelines},
-eprint = {http://doi.org/10.1101/529479}
+ doi = {10.7717/peerj.7223},
+ url = {https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.7223},
+ year = {2019},
+ month = jul,
+ publisher = {{PeerJ}},
+ volume = {7},
+ pages = {e7223},
+ author = {Justin Bed{\H{o}}},
+ title = {{BioShake}: a Haskell {EDSL} for bioinformatics workflows},
+ journal = {{PeerJ}}
title = {Bioshake},
diff --git a/slides.tex b/slides.tex
index c4fb08d..aaea8c1 100644
--- a/slides.tex
+++ b/slides.tex
@@ -99,4 +99,16 @@
+ \frametitle{BioNix contributions}
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item Builds on Nix, a robust functional package manager
+ \item Manages both software and workflows within the one system
+ \item Implicitly specifies its entire computational environment
+ \item Simple, purely functional domain-specific language, simplifying specifying workflows
+ to function composition
+ \item Typing to reduce errors~\autocite{Bed2019}
+ \end{enumerate}