AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2019-05-01Add fastp.l-d-s
2019-04-30Add examples and example READMEJustin Bedo
2019-04-30fix example data urls and hashesJustin Bedo
2019-04-30cleanup examples and stray filesJustin Bedo
2019-04-18sbatch: initial slurm implementationJustin Bedo
2019-04-17snap: initJustin Bedo
2019-04-12minimap2: typoJustin Bedo
2019-04-12minimap2: initJustin Bedo
2019-04-08grids: add function to include assemblies with annotated VCFJustin Bedo
2019-04-08bowtie: sort the output to ensure determinismJustin Bedo
2019-04-07modify outputs to ensure determinismJustin Bedo
2019-04-07Update example data and expand testsJustin Bedo
2019-04-07update stage names to include bionix- prefixJustin Bedo
2019-03-28gridss: less chatty logsJustin Bedo
2019-03-28gridss: 2.0.0 → 2.2.2Justin Bedo
2019-03-22cnvkit: add scatter plotsJustin Bedo
2019-03-22cnvkit: copy less filesJustin Bedo
2019-03-15add multicore passthru flagJustin Bedo
2019-03-13mosdepth: fix broken pkg link for mosdepth sourceJustin Bedo
2019-03-06api docs: init GRIDSSJustin Bedo
2019-03-06api doc: init fastqcJustin Bedo
2019-03-06api docs: init facetsJustin Bedo
2019-03-06api docs: init CNVkitJustin Bedo
2019-03-06api docs: init ascatNGSJustin Bedo
2019-03-06api docs: fix bwa type annotationsJustin Bedo
2019-03-06api docs: init bowtieJustin Bedo
2019-03-06draft API docs for BWA and strelkaJustin Bedo
2019-03-04qsub: fix bugJustin Bedo
2019-03-01ascat: initJustin Bedo
2019-03-01qsub: fix temporary directory cleanupJustin Bedo
2019-02-15ref: missing pkg scope on gawkJustin Bedo
2019-02-11snpeff: parameterise heap size and default to 31gJustin Bedo
2019-02-06qsub: rename flags to qsubFlags to avoid collisionJustin Bedo
2019-02-06ref-grch38-snpeff-db: fix pkg scopeJustin Bedo
2019-02-06qsub: parameterise queue and allow arbitrary flags to be passedJustin Bedo
2019-01-23stage: change to stdenvNoCCJustin Bedo
2019-01-17strelka-callSomatic: remove superfluous gzip dependencyJustin Bedo
2019-01-17compression: refactor compression frameworkJustin Bedo
2019-01-17strelka: refactor vcf extractionJustin Bedo
2019-01-16strelka: split out vcfsJustin Bedo
2019-01-15strelka: add germline callingJustin Bedo
2019-01-14qsub: fix bug in stderr redirectionJustin Bedo
2019-01-14cnvkit: fix annotation bugJustin Bedo
2019-01-13snpeff-dbnsfp: fix buildInputsJustin Bedo
2019-01-13snpeff: fix dbnsfpJustin Bedo
2019-01-11ucscgenes: fix url to correct hg38Justin Bedo
2019-01-11cnvkit: use nixpkgs python modulesJustin Bedo
2019-01-11cnvkit: bugfix in empty normalsJustin Bedo
2019-01-10facets: initJustin Bedo
2019-01-10cnvkit: initJustin Bedo