**Reproducible bioinformatics with Nix** Justin Bedő, Leon Di Stefano, and Tony Papenfuss > A challenge for bioinformaticians is to make our computations reproducible — that is, easy to rerun, combine, share, and guaranteed to generate the same results. > We show how Nix, a next generation cross-platform software deployment system, cleanly overcomes problems usually tackled with a combination of package managers (e.g., conda), containers (e.g., Docker, Singularity), and workflow engines (e.g., Toil, Ruffus). > > On its own Nix can be used as a package manager; it can also easily create isolated development environments and export portable containers to share with others. > We have created a number of transparent and lightweight extensions that enable Nix to succinctly specify bioinformatics analysis environments and pipelines locally, in HPC environments, or in the cloud. > > Nix uses hash-based naming to ensure that what it builds is uniquely specified, isolation and completeness to ensure that its build processes are deterministic, and a simple programming language to ensure that the whole system is easy to manage. > It has an extensive package collection, which includes all of CRAN and Bioconductor, and the conda package manager allowing access to Bioconda recipes. > Nix is well supported and general-purpose software that has been in development for over 10 years. > > We will demonstrate how Nix with our extensions can be used to succinctly specify a typical bioinformatics pipeline and contrast this against other dedicated bioinformatics pipeline languages. > We then show how it can be executed in whole or in part on an HPC queuing system > Finally, we show that the pipeline can also be executed using cloud resources.