{nixpkgs ? import {}}: let inherit (nixpkgs) fetchurl callPackage; bionix = nixpkgs.lib.makeExtensible (self: let callBionix = file: attrs: import file ({ bionix = self; nixpkgs = nixpkgs; } // attrs); in with self; { callBionix = callBionix; id = x: x; exec = f: x: y: f x y; callBionixE = p: exec (callBionix p); types = callBionix ./lib/types.nix {}; bwa = callBionix ./tools/bwa.nix {}; bowtie = callBionix ./tools/bowtie.nix {}; compression = callBionix ./tools/compression.nix {}; crumble = callBionix ./tools/crumble.nix {}; fastqc = callBionix ./tools/fastqc.nix {}; gridss = callBionix ./tools/gridss.nix {}; infercnv = callBionix ./tools/infercnv.nix {}; kallisto = callBionix ./tools/kallisto.nix {}; mosdepth = callBionix ./tools/mosdepth.nix {}; mutect = callBionix ./tools/mutect.nix {}; platypus = callBionix ./tools/platypus.nix {}; samtools = callBionix ./tools/samtools.nix {}; strelka = callBionix ./tools/strelka.nix {}; ref = callBionix ./lib/references.nix {}; qsub = attrs: bionix.extend (self: super: with self; rec { qsubDefs = { ppn = 1; mem = 1; walltime = "24:00:00"; tmpDir = "/tmp"; sleepTime = 60; } // attrs; qsub = attrs: (callPackage ./lib/qsub.nix {}) (qsubDefs // attrs); exec = f: x: y: qsub (builtins.intersectAttrs qsubDefs x) (f (builtins.removeAttrs x (builtins.attrNames qsubDefs)) y); }); def = f: defs: attrs: f (defs // attrs); pipe = let g = fs: with builtins; let h = head fs; t = tail fs; in if t != [] then x: (g t (h x)) else h; in g # Fetching files of specific type fetchFastQ = attrs: with types; tagFiletype (filetype.fq {}) (fetchurl attrs); fetchFastA = attrs: with types; tagFiletype (filetype.fa {}) (fetchurl attrs); fetchFastQGZ = attrs: with types; tagFiletype (filetype.gz (filetype.fq {})) (fetchurl attrs); fetchFastAGZ = attrs: with types; tagFiletype (filetype.gz (filetype.fa {})) (fetchurl attrs); }); in bionix