# Bionix examples This directory has a few example workflows in bionix along with example data. A basic workflow is defined in `call.nix`, and an example of applying it to the sample data is in `default.nix`. To build the `default.nix` workflow, run ```nix build -I bionix=../ -f .``` from this directory. ## NextFlow and WDL translations The directories `ex-nextflow` and `ex-wdl` contain translated examples from the NextFlow and WDL documentation respectively. The NextFlow translated example does not come with example data. It can be built with ``` nix build -f nextflow-example1.nix -I bionix=../.. --arg input /path/to/sample.fa ``` The WDL example requires no extra data and can be built with ``` nix build -f wdl-scatter-gather.nix -I bionix=../.. ``` ## Example script wrapper `ex-tnpair` contains a shell script based example on how a front-end for users might be constructed. It is a simple tumour-normal somatic calling workflow using the Strelka variant caller. The script accepts a reference fasta along with paired normal and tumor fastq files and performs alignment, preprocessing, and variant calling with [`strelka`](https://github.com/Illumina/strelka).