This example is a tumour-normal processing workflow applied to a publically available whole-genome sequencing (WGS) dataset. As this example uses WGS data, a large amount of data will be downloaded. Furthermore, a large amount of space will be required to build the final products. # Building on local machine Run `nix build -I bionix=../..` in this directory. # Building via HPC (slurm or torque) Run `nix build -f cluster.nix` to build on slurm. Note that Nix must be configured such that the temporary build directories are created on shared storage. For Torque, run `nix build -f cluster.nix -I bionix=../.. --argstr tmpDir /scratch/`. Unlike the slurm handler, a shared tmpdir location must be specified. In both cases, you may need to adjust the resource limits specified in cluster.nix to suit your particular cluster hardware.