{ bionix, n }: with bionix; with lib.types; input: let re = let f = matchFiletype' "shard-regex" { fa = _: "^>"; fq = _: "^@"; gz = f; bz2 = f; }; in f input.filetype; decompress = matchFiletype "shard-regex-decompression" { fa = _: "cat"; fq = _: "cat"; gz = _: "gunzip"; bz2 = _: "bunzip2"; } input; compress = matchFiletype "shard-regex-compression" { fa = _: "cat"; fq = _: "cat"; gz = _: "gzip"; bz2 = _: "bzip2"; } input; compressPkgs = with bionix.pkgs; matchFiletype "shard-regex-compression" { fa = _: [ ]; fq = _: [ ]; gz = _: [ gzip ]; bz2 = _: [ bzip2 ]; } input; in stage { name = "shard"; outputs = [ "out" ] ++ builtins.genList (i: "out" + toString (i + 2)) (n - 1); buildInputs = [ pkgs.gawk ] ++ compressPkgs; buildCommand = let awkScript = pkgs.writeText "shard.awk" '' BEGIN{cout=0} FNR==NR{out[nout++] = $0;next} /${re}/{cout = (cout + 1) % nout} {print > out[cout]} ''; in '' for o in $outputs ; do echo $(basename ''${!o}) >> outputs done awk -f ${awkScript} outputs <(${decompress} < ${input}) for o in $outputs ; do ${compress} < $(basename ''${!o}) > ''${!o} done ''; passthru.filetype = input.filetype; }