{ bionix }: with bionix; with lib; let nix-adt-src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub { owner = "shlevy"; repo = "nix-adt"; rev = "dd04b5d08eed65ecd73aafde56a78078e09f1c74"; sha256 = "0vhk1y7gilgn2pgvj4813bh2ljpw4pvrph8k8b0fsg56dbm8mqxa"; }; nix-adt = import "${nix-adt-src}"; inherit (nix-adt.unchecked) make-type match any std none; inherit (std) option; idft = sym: ft: _: abort "unhandled filetype (${ft}) for ${sym}"; idst = sym: st: _: abort "unhandled sorting (${st}) for ${sym}"; defError = errF: y: x: listToAttrs (map (n: nameValuePair n (errF n)) (filter (x: builtins.substring 0 1 x != "_") (attrNames x))) // y; in rec { nix-adt = import "${nix-adt-src}"; matchFiletype = sym: y: x: if x ? filetype then matchFiletype' sym y x.filetype else abort "unknown filetype for ${sym}"; matchFiletype' = sym: y: x: match x (defError (idft sym) y filetype); filetype = make-type "filetype" { fa = { }; fq = { }; bam = { ref = any; sorting = sort; }; sam = { ref = any; sorting = sort; }; cram = { ref = any; sorting = sort; }; vcf = { ref = any; }; bed = { ref = any; }; gz = filetype; bgz = filetype; bz2 = filetype; qp = filetype; }; toCram = matchFiletype "bam2cram" { bam = filetype.cram; sam = filetype.cram; inherit (filetype) cram; }; toBam = matchFiletype "bam2cram" { inherit (filetype) bam; sam = filetype.bam; cram = filetype.bam; }; toSam = matchFiletype "bam2cram" { bam = filetype.sam; inherit (filetype) sam; cram = filetype.sam; }; matchSorting = sym: y: x: match x.sorting (defError (idst sym) y sort); matchFileSorting = sym: y: let f = matchSorting sym y; in matchFiletype sym { bam = f; sam = f; cram = f; }; sort = make-type "sort" { none = { }; coord = { }; name = { }; }; coordSort = f: matchFiletype "coordSort" { bam = x: filetype.bam (x // { sorting = sort.coord { }; }); } { filetype = f; }; nameSort = f: matchFiletype "nameSort" { bam = x: filetype.bam (x // { sorting = sort.name { }; }); } { filetype = f; }; gunzip = matchFiletype "gunzip" { gz = x: x; }; bunzip2 = matchFiletype "bunzip2" { bz2 = x: x; }; tag = attrs: x: if x ? type && x.type == "derivation" then x // attrs else tagPassthru attrs x; tagPassthru = attrs: x: if x ? passthru then x // { passthru = x.passthru // attrs; } else x // { passthru = attrs; }; tagFiletype = ft: tag { filetype = ft; }; }