with import {}; with lib; let fetchlocal = path: pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation { name = baseNameOf path; buildCommand = "ln -s ${path} $out"; }; fetchfq = attrs: types.tagFiletype (types.filetype.fq {}) (fetchlocal attrs); fetchfa = attrs: types.tagFiletype (types.filetype.fa {}) (fetchlocal attrs); ref = fetchfa ./examples/ref.fa; alignWithRG = aligner: rg: x: nameSort (aligner { inherit ref; RG = { ID = rg; SM = rg; }; } x); sort = sambamba.sort {}; nameSort = sambamba.sort {nameSort = true;}; flagstat = samtools.flagstat {}; check-fastqc = fastqc.check {}; check-fastp = fastp.check {}; callVariants = strelka.callSomatic {}; markdup = samtools.markdup {}; fixmate = samtools.fixmate {}; tnpair = { tumour = { name = "mysample1"; files = { input1 = fetchfq ./examples/sample1-1.fq; input2 = fetchfq ./examples/sample1-2.fq; }; }; normal = { name = "mysample2"; files = { input1 = fetchfq ./examples/sample2-1.fq; input2 = fetchfq ./examples/sample2-2.fq; }; }; }; processPair = { tumour, normal, }: rec { alignments = mapAttrs (_: x: markdup (sort (fixmate (alignWithRG bwa.align x.name x.files)))) {inherit normal tumour;}; bowtie-alignments = mapAttrs (_: x: markdup (sort (fixmate (alignWithRG bowtie.align x.name x.files)))) {inherit normal tumour;}; bwa2-alignments = mapAttrs (_: x: markdup (sort (fixmate (alignWithRG bwa.mem2 x.name x.files)))) {inherit normal tumour;}; variants = callVariants alignments; octopusSomatic = octopus.callSomatic {} { inherit (alignments) normal; tumours = [alignments.tumour]; }; glvariants = strelka.call {} (builtins.attrValues alignments); platypusVars = platypus.call {} (builtins.attrValues alignments); octopusVars = octopus.call {} (builtins.attrValues alignments); shards = map (x: nameSort (bwa.align {inherit ref;} x)) (shard.fastQPair 2 normal.files); }; tnpairResult = processPair tnpair; cnvkitResults = rec { cnvs = cnvkit.callCNV {} (with tnpairResult.alignments; { normals = [normal]; tumours = [tumour]; }); plot = cnvkit.scatterPlot {} cnvs.out1; }; alignments = { "bowtie-normal.bam" = bowtie.align {inherit ref;} tnpair.normal.files; "subread.bam" = subread.align {inherit ref;} tnpair.normal.files; "last.maf" = lastal.align {inherit ref;} tnpair.normal.files.input1; "whisper.bam" = whisper.align {inherit ref;} tnpair.normal.files; "bwa-mem.bam" = bwa.mem {inherit ref;} tnpair.normal.files; "bwa-mem2.bam" = bwa.mem2 {inherit ref;} tnpair.normal.files; "minimap2-normal.bam" = minimap2.align { inherit ref; preset = "sr"; } tnpair.normal.files; "snap-normal.bam" = snap.align {inherit ref;} tnpair.normal.files; "${tnpair.tumour.name}.flagstat" = flagstat tnpairResult.alignments.tumour; "hisat2-normal.bam" = hisat2.align {inherit ref;} tnpair.normal.files; }; testNaming = linkOutputs { crai = samtools.index {} (samtools.view {outfmt = types.toCram;} tnpairResult.alignments.tumour); kallisto = kallisto.quant {inherit ref;} (attrValues tnpair.tumour.files); facets = facets.callCNV {vcf = tnpairResult.platypusVars;} (with tnpairResult.alignments; [normal tumour]); cnvkit = cnvkitResults.cnvs; "cnvkit.pdf" = cnvkitResults.plot; "octopus.vcf" = tnpairResult.octopusVars; "octopus-somatic.vcf" = tnpairResult.octopusSomatic; strelka-indels = tnpairResult.variants.indels; "strelka.snvs.vcf" = tnpairResult.variants.snvs; "strelka.gl.vcf" = tnpairResult.glvariants; delly = delly.call {} (with tnpairResult.alignments; [normal tumour]); manta = manta.call {} (with tnpairResult.alignments; {normals = [normal tumour];}); mantaTN = manta.call {} (with tnpairResult.alignments; { normals = [normal]; inherit tumour; }); mantaT = manta.call {} (with tnpairResult.alignments; {inherit tumour;}); gridss = gridss.callVariants {} (with tnpairResult.alignments; [normal tumour]); gridss2 = gridss.call (with tnpairResult.alignments; [normal tumour]); gridss3 = gridss.callAndAssemble (with tnpairResult.alignments; [normal tumour]); gridssSomatic = gridss.filterSomatic {normalName = "mysample2";} (gridss.call (with tnpairResult.alignments; [normal tumour])); "merged-shards.bam" = samtools.merge {} tnpairResult.shards; "merged.bam" = samtools.merge {} [tnpairResult.alignments.tumour tnpairResult.alignments.normal]; "merged-namesorted.bam" = samtools.merge {} [(nameSort tnpairResult.alignments.tumour) (nameSort tnpairResult.alignments.normal)]; "${tnpair.tumour.name}.cram" = samtools.view {outfmt = types.toCram;} tnpairResult.alignments.tumour; "${tnpair.tumour.name}-targeted.cram" = samtools.view { outfmt = types.toCram; targets = "abcd\t10\t100"; } tnpairResult.alignments.tumour; "${tnpair.tumour.name}.fastqc.1" = check-fastqc tnpair.tumour.files.input1; "${tnpair.tumour.name}.fastp" = check-fastp tnpair.tumour.files; snver = snver.call {ploidy = 1;} tnpairResult.alignments; mosdepth = mosdepth.plot {} { inputs = mapAttrsToList (_: mosdepth.depth {}) tnpairResult.alignments; names = ["seq1" "seq2"]; }; mosdepth-targeted = mosdepth.plot {} { inputs = mapAttrsToList (_: mosdepth.depth {targets = ["abc\t10\t100"];}) tnpairResult.alignments; names = ["seq1" "seq2"]; }; xenomapper = xenomapper.allocate {} { primary = nameSort tnpairResult.alignments.tumour; secondary = nameSort tnpairResult.alignments.tumour; }; quip = with quip; unquip {} (quip {} tnpairResult.alignments.tumour); genmap = genmap.calcmap {} ref; inherit alignments; }; in testNaming