{ bionix , targets ? null , annotations ? null , flags ? null , indexAttrs ? { } }: { normals ? [ ], tumours }: with bionix; with lib; with types; let getref = matchFiletype "cnvkit-batch" { bam = { ref, ... }: ref; }; refs = map getref normals ++ map getref tumours; ref = head refs; sorted = matchFileSorting "cnvkit-batch" { coord = _: true; }; in assert (length (unique refs) == 1); assert (all sorted (normals ++ tumours)); stage { name = "cnvkit"; buildInputs = with pkgs; [ python3Packages.cnvkit ]; outputs = [ "out" ] ++ builtins.genList (x: "out${toString (x + 1)}") (length tumours); buildCommand = '' ln -s ${ref} ref.fa ln -s ${samtools.faidx indexAttrs ref} ref.fa.fai cnvkit.py batch ${concatStringsSep " " tumours} \ ${optionalString (normals != []) ("-n " + concatStringsSep " " normals)} \ ${optionalString (annotations != null) "--annotate ${annotations}"} \ ${if targets != null then "--targets ${targets}" else "-m wgs"} \ -f ref.fa \ -p $NIX_BUILD_CORES \ -d $TMPDIR \ ${optionalString (flags != null) flags} # Copy individual tumour files mkdir $out cnt=1 for f in ${concatStringsSep " " tumours} ; do output="out$cnt" mkdir ''${!output} for g in $(basename $f)*.{cnr,cnn,cns} ; do cp $g ''${!output}/sample-''${g#*-} done cnt=$((cnt+1)) ln -s ''${!output} $out/$output done ''; passthru.multicore = true; }