{bionix, nixpkgs}: with nixpkgs; with bionix; { uncompress = f: types.matchFiletype "uncompress" { fa = _: f; fq = _: f; bam = _: f; sam = _: f; cram = _: f; vcf = _: f; bed = _: f; gz = _: types.tagFiletype (types.gunzip f.filetype) (stdenv.mkDerivation { name = "gunzip"; buildCommand = "gunzip < ${f} > $out"; }); bz2 = _: types.tagFiletype (types.bunzip2 f.filetype) (stdenv.mkDerivation { name = "bunzip2"; buildCommand = "bunzip2 < ${f} > $out"; }); } f.filetype; gzip = f: let gz = (stdenv.mkDerivation { name = "gzip"; buildCommand = "gzip < ${f} > $out"; passthru = { filetype = types.filetype.gz f.filetype; }; }); in types.matchFiletype "compressed" { fa = _: gz; fq = _: gz; bam = _: gz; sam = _: gz; cram = _: gz; vcf = _: gz; bed = _: gz; } f; bzip2 = f: let bz2 = (stdenv.mkDerivation { name = "bzip2"; buildCommand = "bzip2 < ${f} > $out"; passthru = { filetype = types.filetype.bz2 f.filetype; }; }); in types.matchFiletype "compressed" { fa = _: gz; fq = _: gz; bam = _: gz; sam = _: gz; cram = _: gz; vcf = _: gz; bed = _: gz; } f; }