{ bionix , flags ? null } : { input1 , input2 ? null } : with bionix; with lib; with types; let fq = f: matchFiletype "fastp-input" { fq = _: f; gz = matchFiletype' "fastp-input" { fq = _: f; }; } f; out = stage { name = "fastp"; buildInputs = [ pkgs.fastp ]; outputs = [ "out" "fastq1" "json" ] ++ (if input2 != null then [ "fastq2" ] else []); buildCommand = '' mkdir -p $out fastp \ ${optionalString (flags != null) flags} \ -i ${fq input1} \ -o fastq1.fq.gz \ ${optionalString (input2 != null) '' -I ${fq input2} \ -O fastq2.fq.gz \ cp fastq2.fq.gz $fastq2 ''} cp fastq1.fq.gz $fastq1 cp fastp.html $out cp fastp.json $json ''; }; fqgz = { filetype = filetype.gz (filetype.fastq {}); }; in out // { fastq1 = out.fastq1 // fqgz; } // (if input2 != null then {fastq2 = out.fastq2 // fqgz; } else {})