{bionix}: with bionix; rec { jar = pkgs.fetchurl { url = "https://github.com/PapenfussLab/gridss/releases/download/v2.5.0/gridss-2.5.0-gridss-jar-with-dependencies.jar"; sha256 = "0i690z41nkjbfib4r96id808cqn4q8lmlc0sdwk5mzi6gqqjg7n4"; }; /* Generate configuration file for GRIDSS. Takes attribute sets to GRIDSS ini style format. Type: genConfig :: attrSet -> ini file */ genConfig = callBionix ./gridss-configFile.nix {}; /* Invoke the callVariants tool Type: callVariants :: {blacklist :: drv = null, config :: ini = null, heapSize :: String = "31g", ...} -> [bam] -> variants */ callVariants = callBionixE ./gridss-callVariants.nix; /* Invoke computeSamTags tool Type: computeSamTags :: {config :: ini = null, heapSize :: String = "1G", ...} -> bam -> bam */ computeSamTags = callBionixE ./gridss-computeSamTags.nix; /* Invoke softClipsToSplitReads tool Type: softClipsToSplitReads :: {alignerStreaming :: Bool = false, config :: ini = null, heapSize :: String = "2G", ...} -> bam -> bam */ softClipsToSplitReads = callBionixE ./gridss-softClipsToSplitReads.nix; /* Invoke collectMetrics tool Type: collectMetrics :: {thresholdCoverage :: Int = 10000, config :: ini = null, heapSize :: String = "1G", ...} -> bam -> metrics */ collectMetrics = callBionixE ./gridss-collectMetrics.nix; /* Invoke extractSVReads tool Type: extractSVReads :: {unmappedReads :: Bool = false, minClipLength :: Int = 5, config :: ini = null, ...} -> bam -> bam */ extractSVReads = callBionixE ./gridss-extractSVReads.nix; /* Invoke assembly tool Type: assemble :: {config :: ini = null, heapSize :: String = "31g", ...} -> [bam] -> bam */ assemble = callBionixE ./gridss-assemble.nix; /* Invoke identifyVariants tool Type: identifyVariants :: {config :: ini = null, heapSize :: String = "4g", ...} -> [bam] -> VCF */ identifyVariants = exec (attrs: input: ((callBionix ./gridss-variants.nix attrs) input).identify); /* Invoke annotateVariants tool Type: annotateVariants :: {config :: ini = null, heapSize :: String = "4g", ...} -> [bam] -> VCF */ annotateVariants = exec (attrs: input: ((callBionix ./gridss-variants.nix attrs) input).annotate); /* As annotateVariants except include assembly in output */ annotateAndAssemble = exec (attrs: input: ((callBionix ./gridss-variants.nix attrs) input).annotateAndAssemble); /* Preprocess BAM files to extract SV reads and convert soft clips to split reads Type: preprocessBam :: bam -> bam */ preprocessBam = with samtools; pipe [ (gridss.extractSVReads {}) (sort {nameSort = true;}) (gridss.computeSamTags {}) (gridss.softClipsToSplitReads {}) (sort {}) ]; /* Call SVs: entire pipeline including preprocessing. It is recommended to use this function rather than the individual above tools. Type: [bam] -> GRIDSS result */ call = inputs: gridss.annotateVariants {} (map gridss.preprocessBam inputs); /* As call but include assemblies in output */ callAndAssemble = inputs: gridss.annotateAndAssemble {} (map gridss.preprocessBam inputs); }