{ bionix , indexFlags ? { } , bias ? false , bootstrapSamples ? 0 , seed ? 42 , plaintext ? false , fusion ? false , single ? false , frStranded ? false , rfStranded ? false , fragmentLength ? null , fragmentSD ? null , ref }: with bionix; with lib; assert (!single || (fragmentLength != null && fragmentSD != null)); inputs: let inherit (bionix.types) matchFiletype'; isFastQ = matchFiletype' "kallisto-quant" { fq = _: true; gz = isFastQ; }; empty = ./kallisto-quant-empty.h5; python = pkgs.python3Packages.python.withPackages (p: with p; [ h5py ]); noStamp = pkgs.writeScript "nostamp.py" '' #!${python}/bin/python import h5py import os def copy(obj, out, path): if type(obj) in [h5py._hl.group.Group,h5py._hl.files.File]: for key in obj.keys(): if key != "start_time": copy(obj[key], out, path + "/" + key) elif type(obj)==h5py._hl.dataset.Dataset: out.create_dataset(path, data=f[path], track_order=False, track_times = False) with h5py.File(os.environ['out'] + "/abundance.h5", "r") as f: with h5py.File("repack.h5", "a", track_order = False) as g: copy(f, g, "") ''; in assert (all (x: isFastQ x.filetype) inputs); stage { name = "kallisto-quant"; buildInputs = with pkgs; [ kallisto ]; buildCommand = '' mkdir $out kallisto quant \ -i ${bionix.kallisto.index indexFlags ref} \ -o $out \ ${optionalString bias "--bias"} \ ${optionalString (bootstrapSamples > 0) "-b ${toString bootstrapSamples} --seed=${toString seed}"} \ ${optionalString plaintext "--plaintext"} \ ${optionalString fusion "--fusion"} \ ${optionalString single "--single -l ${toString fragmentLength} -s ${toString fragmentSD}"} \ ${optionalString frStranded "--fr-stranded"} \ ${optionalString rfStranded "--rf-stranded"} \ -t $NIX_BUILD_CORES \ ${concatStringsSep " " inputs} # Make deterministic by removing timestamps and using hdf5 empty template cp ${empty} repack.h5 chmod 644 repack.h5 ${noStamp} cp repack.h5 $out/abundance.h5 sed -i $out/run_info.json -e '/"start_time"/d' sed -i $out/run_info.json -e '/"call"/d' ''; passthru.multicore = true; }