{bionix , nixpkgs , cosmic , dbsnp}: with nixpkgs; with lib; let inherit (bionix.types) matchFiletype; getVCFref = matchFiletype "mutect-call" {vcf = {ref}: ref;}; getBAMref = matchFiletype "mutect-call" {bam = {ref, ...}: ref;}; refs = map getVCFref [ cosmic dbsnp ]; ref = head refs; in assert (length (unique refs) == 1); {normal, tumour}: assert (ref == getBAMref normal && ref == getBAMref tumour); stdenv.mkDerivation { name = "mutect"; buildInputs = [ bionix.mutect.app ]; buildCommand = '' ln -s ${normal} normal.bam ln -s ${tumour} tumour.bam ln -s ${dbsnp} dbsnp.vcf ln -s ${cosmic} cosmic.vcf ln -s ${ref} ref.fa ln -s ${bionix.samtools.faidx {} ref} ref.fa.fai ln -s ${bionix.samtools.dict {} ref} ref.dict mutect --analysis_type MuTect \ --reference_sequence ref.fa \ --cosmic cosmic.vcf \ --dbsnp dbsnp.vcf \ --input_file:normal normal.bam \ --input_file:tumour tumour.bam \ --out $out ''; }