{ bionix , flags ? null , outfmt ? null }: inputs: with bionix; with lib; let inherit (bionix.types) matchFiletype matchSorting; inputIsHomogenous = length (unique (map (matchFiletype "samtools-merge" { bam = x: x // { sorting = matchSorting "samtools-merge" { coord = _: "coord"; name = _: "name"; } x; }; }) inputs)) == 1; nameSorted = matchFiletype "samtools-merge" { bam = matchSorting "samtools-merge" { coord = _: false; name = _: true; }; } (lib.head inputs); in assert inputIsHomogenous; if length inputs == 1 then head inputs else stage { name = "samtools-merge"; buildInputs = with pkgs; [ samtools ]; buildCommand = '' samtools merge ${optionalString (flags != null) flags} \ ${if nameSorted then "-n" else ""} \ out.bam ${concatStringsSep " " inputs} # Merge is non-deterministic with PG lines; if files have clashing PG IDs then a random # suffix is appended to make it unique. PG lines are stripped in the following to # resolve the issue. samtools reheader <(samtools view -H out.bam | grep -v '@PG') out.bam > $out ''; passthru.filetype = (builtins.elemAt inputs 0).filetype; }