\name{pmt} \alias{pmt} \title{Poisson Margin Test} \description{ Computes p-values for two sets of counts using the Poisson Margin Test. } \usage{ pmt(a, b) } \arguments{ \item{a}{ Vector of counts } \item{b}{ Vector of counts } } \details{ This function computes the Poisson Margin Test (PMT) for two sets of counts. } \value{ A vector of log10 p-values is returned, corresponding to the input vectors. } \references{ Kowalczyk, A., Bedő, J., Conway, T., Beresford-Smith, B., 2011. The Poisson margin test for normalization-free significance analysis of NGS data. Journal of Computational Biology 18, 391–400. doi:10.1089/cmb.2010.0272 } \author{ Justin Bedő } %\examples{ %} \keyword{NGS} \keyword{Poisson}