path: root/src/plugins/readability/readability.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/plugins/readability/readability.js')
1 files changed, 2401 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/plugins/readability/readability.js b/src/plugins/readability/readability.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0532bba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/readability/readability.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2401 @@
+/*eslint-env es6:false*/
+ * Copyright (c) 2010 Arc90 Inc
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+ * This code is heavily based on Arc90's readability.js (1.7.1) script
+ * available at: http://code.google.com/p/arc90labs-readability
+ */
+ * Public constructor.
+ * @param {HTMLDocument} doc The document to parse.
+ * @param {Object} options The options object.
+ */
+function Readability(doc, options) {
+ // In some older versions, people passed a URI as the first argument. Cope:
+ if (options && options.documentElement) {
+ doc = options;
+ options = arguments[2];
+ } else if (!doc || !doc.documentElement) {
+ throw new Error("First argument to Readability constructor should be a document object.");
+ }
+ options = options || {};
+ this._doc = doc;
+ this._docJSDOMParser = this._doc.firstChild.__JSDOMParser__;
+ this._articleTitle = null;
+ this._articleByline = null;
+ this._articleDir = null;
+ this._articleSiteName = null;
+ this._attempts = [];
+ // Configurable options
+ this._debug = !!options.debug;
+ this._maxElemsToParse = options.maxElemsToParse || this.DEFAULT_MAX_ELEMS_TO_PARSE;
+ this._nbTopCandidates = options.nbTopCandidates || this.DEFAULT_N_TOP_CANDIDATES;
+ this._charThreshold = options.charThreshold || this.DEFAULT_CHAR_THRESHOLD;
+ this._classesToPreserve = this.CLASSES_TO_PRESERVE.concat(options.classesToPreserve || []);
+ this._keepClasses = !!options.keepClasses;
+ this._serializer = options.serializer || function(el) {
+ return el.innerHTML;
+ };
+ this._disableJSONLD = !!options.disableJSONLD;
+ // Start with all flags set
+ this._flags = this.FLAG_STRIP_UNLIKELYS |
+ // Control whether log messages are sent to the console
+ if (this._debug) {
+ let logNode = function(node) {
+ if (node.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE) {
+ return `${node.nodeName} ("${node.textContent}")`;
+ }
+ let attrPairs = Array.from(node.attributes || [], function(attr) {
+ return `${attr.name}="${attr.value}"`;
+ }).join(" ");
+ return `<${node.localName} ${attrPairs}>`;
+ };
+ this.log = function () {
+ if (typeof dump !== "undefined") {
+ var msg = Array.prototype.map.call(arguments, function(x) {
+ return (x && x.nodeName) ? logNode(x) : x;
+ }).join(" ");
+ dump("Reader: (Readability) " + msg + "\n");
+ } else if (typeof console !== "undefined") {
+ let args = Array.from(arguments, arg => {
+ if (arg && arg.nodeType == this.ELEMENT_NODE) {
+ return logNode(arg);
+ }
+ return arg;
+ });
+ args.unshift("Reader: (Readability)");
+ console.log.apply(console, args);
+ }
+ };
+ } else {
+ this.log = function () {};
+ }
+Readability.prototype = {
+ // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Node/nodeType
+ // Max number of nodes supported by this parser. Default: 0 (no limit)
+ // The number of top candidates to consider when analysing how
+ // tight the competition is among candidates.
+ // Element tags to score by default.
+ DEFAULT_TAGS_TO_SCORE: "section,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,p,td,pre".toUpperCase().split(","),
+ // The default number of chars an article must have in order to return a result
+ // All of the regular expressions in use within readability.
+ // Defined up here so we don't instantiate them repeatedly in loops.
+ // NOTE: These two regular expressions are duplicated in
+ // Readability-readerable.js. Please keep both copies in sync.
+ unlikelyCandidates: /-ad-|ai2html|banner|breadcrumbs|combx|comment|community|cover-wrap|disqus|extra|footer|gdpr|header|legends|menu|related|remark|replies|rss|shoutbox|sidebar|skyscraper|social|sponsor|supplemental|ad-break|agegate|pagination|pager|popup|yom-remote/i,
+ okMaybeItsACandidate: /and|article|body|column|content|main|shadow/i,
+ positive: /article|body|content|entry|hentry|h-entry|main|page|pagination|post|text|blog|story/i,
+ negative: /-ad-|hidden|^hid$| hid$| hid |^hid |banner|combx|comment|com-|contact|foot|footer|footnote|gdpr|masthead|media|meta|outbrain|promo|related|scroll|share|shoutbox|sidebar|skyscraper|sponsor|shopping|tags|tool|widget/i,
+ extraneous: /print|archive|comment|discuss|e[\-]?mail|share|reply|all|login|sign|single|utility/i,
+ byline: /byline|author|dateline|writtenby|p-author/i,
+ replaceFonts: /<(\/?)font[^>]*>/gi,
+ normalize: /\s{2,}/g,
+ videos: /\/\/(www\.)?((dailymotion|youtube|youtube-nocookie|player\.vimeo|v\.qq)\.com|(archive|upload\.wikimedia)\.org|player\.twitch\.tv)/i,
+ shareElements: /(\b|_)(share|sharedaddy)(\b|_)/i,
+ nextLink: /(next|weiter|continue|>([^\|]|$)|»([^\|]|$))/i,
+ prevLink: /(prev|earl|old|new|<|«)/i,
+ tokenize: /\W+/g,
+ whitespace: /^\s*$/,
+ hasContent: /\S$/,
+ hashUrl: /^#.+/,
+ srcsetUrl: /(\S+)(\s+[\d.]+[xw])?(\s*(?:,|$))/g,
+ b64DataUrl: /^data:\s*([^\s;,]+)\s*;\s*base64\s*,/i,
+ // See: https://schema.org/Article
+ jsonLdArticleTypes: /^Article|AdvertiserContentArticle|NewsArticle|AnalysisNewsArticle|AskPublicNewsArticle|BackgroundNewsArticle|OpinionNewsArticle|ReportageNewsArticle|ReviewNewsArticle|Report|SatiricalArticle|ScholarlyArticle|MedicalScholarlyArticle|SocialMediaPosting|BlogPosting|LiveBlogPosting|DiscussionForumPosting|TechArticle|APIReference$/
+ },
+ UNLIKELY_ROLES: [ "menu", "menubar", "complementary", "navigation", "alert", "alertdialog", "dialog" ],
+ DIV_TO_P_ELEMS: new Set([ "BLOCKQUOTE", "DL", "DIV", "IMG", "OL", "P", "PRE", "TABLE", "UL" ]),
+ PRESENTATIONAL_ATTRIBUTES: [ "align", "background", "bgcolor", "border", "cellpadding", "cellspacing", "frame", "hspace", "rules", "style", "valign", "vspace" ],
+ // The commented out elements qualify as phrasing content but tend to be
+ // removed by readability when put into paragraphs, so we ignore them here.
+ // "CANVAS", "IFRAME", "SVG", "VIDEO",
+ "ABBR", "AUDIO", "B", "BDO", "BR", "BUTTON", "CITE", "CODE", "DATA",
+ "DATALIST", "DFN", "EM", "EMBED", "I", "IMG", "INPUT", "KBD", "LABEL",
+ ],
+ // These are the classes that readability sets itself.
+ CLASSES_TO_PRESERVE: [ "page" ],
+ // These are the list of HTML entities that need to be escaped.
+ "lt": "<",
+ "gt": ">",
+ "amp": "&",
+ "quot": '"',
+ "apos": "'",
+ },
+ /**
+ * Run any post-process modifications to article content as necessary.
+ *
+ * @param Element
+ * @return void
+ **/
+ _postProcessContent: function(articleContent) {
+ // Readability cannot open relative uris so we convert them to absolute uris.
+ this._fixRelativeUris(articleContent);
+ this._simplifyNestedElements(articleContent);
+ if (!this._keepClasses) {
+ // Remove classes.
+ this._cleanClasses(articleContent);
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Iterates over a NodeList, calls `filterFn` for each node and removes node
+ * if function returned `true`.
+ *
+ * If function is not passed, removes all the nodes in node list.
+ *
+ * @param NodeList nodeList The nodes to operate on
+ * @param Function filterFn the function to use as a filter
+ * @return void
+ */
+ _removeNodes: function(nodeList, filterFn) {
+ // Avoid ever operating on live node lists.
+ if (this._docJSDOMParser && nodeList._isLiveNodeList) {
+ throw new Error("Do not pass live node lists to _removeNodes");
+ }
+ for (var i = nodeList.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ var node = nodeList[i];
+ var parentNode = node.parentNode;
+ if (parentNode) {
+ if (!filterFn || filterFn.call(this, node, i, nodeList)) {
+ parentNode.removeChild(node);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Iterates over a NodeList, and calls _setNodeTag for each node.
+ *
+ * @param NodeList nodeList The nodes to operate on
+ * @param String newTagName the new tag name to use
+ * @return void
+ */
+ _replaceNodeTags: function(nodeList, newTagName) {
+ // Avoid ever operating on live node lists.
+ if (this._docJSDOMParser && nodeList._isLiveNodeList) {
+ throw new Error("Do not pass live node lists to _replaceNodeTags");
+ }
+ for (const node of nodeList) {
+ this._setNodeTag(node, newTagName);
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Iterate over a NodeList, which doesn't natively fully implement the Array
+ * interface.
+ *
+ * For convenience, the current object context is applied to the provided
+ * iterate function.
+ *
+ * @param NodeList nodeList The NodeList.
+ * @param Function fn The iterate function.
+ * @return void
+ */
+ _forEachNode: function(nodeList, fn) {
+ Array.prototype.forEach.call(nodeList, fn, this);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Iterate over a NodeList, and return the first node that passes
+ * the supplied test function
+ *
+ * For convenience, the current object context is applied to the provided
+ * test function.
+ *
+ * @param NodeList nodeList The NodeList.
+ * @param Function fn The test function.
+ * @return void
+ */
+ _findNode: function(nodeList, fn) {
+ return Array.prototype.find.call(nodeList, fn, this);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Iterate over a NodeList, return true if any of the provided iterate
+ * function calls returns true, false otherwise.
+ *
+ * For convenience, the current object context is applied to the
+ * provided iterate function.
+ *
+ * @param NodeList nodeList The NodeList.
+ * @param Function fn The iterate function.
+ * @return Boolean
+ */
+ _someNode: function(nodeList, fn) {
+ return Array.prototype.some.call(nodeList, fn, this);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Iterate over a NodeList, return true if all of the provided iterate
+ * function calls return true, false otherwise.
+ *
+ * For convenience, the current object context is applied to the
+ * provided iterate function.
+ *
+ * @param NodeList nodeList The NodeList.
+ * @param Function fn The iterate function.
+ * @return Boolean
+ */
+ _everyNode: function(nodeList, fn) {
+ return Array.prototype.every.call(nodeList, fn, this);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Concat all nodelists passed as arguments.
+ *
+ * @return ...NodeList
+ * @return Array
+ */
+ _concatNodeLists: function() {
+ var slice = Array.prototype.slice;
+ var args = slice.call(arguments);
+ var nodeLists = args.map(function(list) {
+ return slice.call(list);
+ });
+ return Array.prototype.concat.apply([], nodeLists);
+ },
+ _getAllNodesWithTag: function(node, tagNames) {
+ if (node.querySelectorAll) {
+ return node.querySelectorAll(tagNames.join(","));
+ }
+ return [].concat.apply([], tagNames.map(function(tag) {
+ var collection = node.getElementsByTagName(tag);
+ return Array.isArray(collection) ? collection : Array.from(collection);
+ }));
+ },
+ /**
+ * Removes the class="" attribute from every element in the given
+ * subtree, except those that match CLASSES_TO_PRESERVE and
+ * the classesToPreserve array from the options object.
+ *
+ * @param Element
+ * @return void
+ */
+ _cleanClasses: function(node) {
+ var classesToPreserve = this._classesToPreserve;
+ var className = (node.getAttribute("class") || "")
+ .split(/\s+/)
+ .filter(function(cls) {
+ return classesToPreserve.indexOf(cls) != -1;
+ })
+ .join(" ");
+ if (className) {
+ node.setAttribute("class", className);
+ } else {
+ node.removeAttribute("class");
+ }
+ for (node = node.firstElementChild; node; node = node.nextElementSibling) {
+ this._cleanClasses(node);
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Converts each <a> and <img> uri in the given element to an absolute URI,
+ * ignoring #ref URIs.
+ *
+ * @param Element
+ * @return void
+ */
+ _fixRelativeUris: function(articleContent) {
+ var baseURI = this._doc.baseURI;
+ var documentURI = this._doc.documentURI;
+ function toAbsoluteURI(uri) {
+ // Leave hash links alone if the base URI matches the document URI:
+ if (baseURI == documentURI && uri.charAt(0) == "#") {
+ return uri;
+ }
+ // Otherwise, resolve against base URI:
+ try {
+ return new URL(uri, baseURI).href;
+ } catch (ex) {
+ // Something went wrong, just return the original:
+ }
+ return uri;
+ }
+ var links = this._getAllNodesWithTag(articleContent, ["a"]);
+ this._forEachNode(links, function(link) {
+ var href = link.getAttribute("href");
+ if (href) {
+ // Remove links with javascript: URIs, since
+ // they won't work after scripts have been removed from the page.
+ if (href.indexOf("javascript:") === 0) {
+ // if the link only contains simple text content, it can be converted to a text node
+ if (link.childNodes.length === 1 && link.childNodes[0].nodeType === this.TEXT_NODE) {
+ var text = this._doc.createTextNode(link.textContent);
+ link.parentNode.replaceChild(text, link);
+ } else {
+ // if the link has multiple children, they should all be preserved
+ var container = this._doc.createElement("span");
+ while (link.firstChild) {
+ container.appendChild(link.firstChild);
+ }
+ link.parentNode.replaceChild(container, link);
+ }
+ } else {
+ link.setAttribute("href", toAbsoluteURI(href));
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ var medias = this._getAllNodesWithTag(articleContent, [
+ "img", "picture", "figure", "video", "audio", "source"
+ ]);
+ this._forEachNode(medias, function(media) {
+ var src = media.getAttribute("src");
+ var poster = media.getAttribute("poster");
+ var srcset = media.getAttribute("srcset");
+ if (src) {
+ media.setAttribute("src", toAbsoluteURI(src));
+ }
+ if (poster) {
+ media.setAttribute("poster", toAbsoluteURI(poster));
+ }
+ if (srcset) {
+ var newSrcset = srcset.replace(this.REGEXPS.srcsetUrl, function(_, p1, p2, p3) {
+ return toAbsoluteURI(p1) + (p2 || "") + p3;
+ });
+ media.setAttribute("srcset", newSrcset);
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ _simplifyNestedElements: function(articleContent) {
+ var node = articleContent;
+ while (node) {
+ if (node.parentNode && ["DIV", "SECTION"].includes(node.tagName) && !(node.id && node.id.startsWith("readability"))) {
+ if (this._isElementWithoutContent(node)) {
+ node = this._removeAndGetNext(node);
+ continue;
+ } else if (this._hasSingleTagInsideElement(node, "DIV") || this._hasSingleTagInsideElement(node, "SECTION")) {
+ var child = node.children[0];
+ for (var i = 0; i < node.attributes.length; i++) {
+ child.setAttribute(node.attributes[i].name, node.attributes[i].value);
+ }
+ node.parentNode.replaceChild(child, node);
+ node = child;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ node = this._getNextNode(node);
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Get the article title as an H1.
+ *
+ * @return string
+ **/
+ _getArticleTitle: function() {
+ var doc = this._doc;
+ var curTitle = "";
+ var origTitle = "";
+ try {
+ curTitle = origTitle = doc.title.trim();
+ // If they had an element with id "title" in their HTML
+ if (typeof curTitle !== "string")
+ curTitle = origTitle = this._getInnerText(doc.getElementsByTagName("title")[0]);
+ } catch (e) {/* ignore exceptions setting the title. */}
+ var titleHadHierarchicalSeparators = false;
+ function wordCount(str) {
+ return str.split(/\s+/).length;
+ }
+ // If there's a separator in the title, first remove the final part
+ if ((/ [\|\-\\\/>»] /).test(curTitle)) {
+ titleHadHierarchicalSeparators = / [\\\/>»] /.test(curTitle);
+ curTitle = origTitle.replace(/(.*)[\|\-\\\/>»] .*/gi, "$1");
+ // If the resulting title is too short (3 words or fewer), remove
+ // the first part instead:
+ if (wordCount(curTitle) < 3)
+ curTitle = origTitle.replace(/[^\|\-\\\/>»]*[\|\-\\\/>»](.*)/gi, "$1");
+ } else if (curTitle.indexOf(": ") !== -1) {
+ // Check if we have an heading containing this exact string, so we
+ // could assume it's the full title.
+ var headings = this._concatNodeLists(
+ doc.getElementsByTagName("h1"),
+ doc.getElementsByTagName("h2")
+ );
+ var trimmedTitle = curTitle.trim();
+ var match = this._someNode(headings, function(heading) {
+ return heading.textContent.trim() === trimmedTitle;
+ });
+ // If we don't, let's extract the title out of the original title string.
+ if (!match) {
+ curTitle = origTitle.substring(origTitle.lastIndexOf(":") + 1);
+ // If the title is now too short, try the first colon instead:
+ if (wordCount(curTitle) < 3) {
+ curTitle = origTitle.substring(origTitle.indexOf(":") + 1);
+ // But if we have too many words before the colon there's something weird
+ // with the titles and the H tags so let's just use the original title instead
+ } else if (wordCount(origTitle.substr(0, origTitle.indexOf(":"))) > 5) {
+ curTitle = origTitle;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (curTitle.length > 150 || curTitle.length < 15) {
+ var hOnes = doc.getElementsByTagName("h1");
+ if (hOnes.length === 1)
+ curTitle = this._getInnerText(hOnes[0]);
+ }
+ curTitle = curTitle.trim().replace(this.REGEXPS.normalize, " ");
+ // If we now have 4 words or fewer as our title, and either no
+ // 'hierarchical' separators (\, /, > or ») were found in the original
+ // title or we decreased the number of words by more than 1 word, use
+ // the original title.
+ var curTitleWordCount = wordCount(curTitle);
+ if (curTitleWordCount <= 4 &&
+ (!titleHadHierarchicalSeparators ||
+ curTitleWordCount != wordCount(origTitle.replace(/[\|\-\\\/>»]+/g, "")) - 1)) {
+ curTitle = origTitle;
+ }
+ return curTitle;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Prepare the HTML document for readability to scrape it.
+ * This includes things like stripping javascript, CSS, and handling terrible markup.
+ *
+ * @return void
+ **/
+ _prepDocument: function() {
+ var doc = this._doc;
+ // Remove all style tags in head
+ this._removeNodes(this._getAllNodesWithTag(doc, ["style"]));
+ if (doc.body) {
+ this._replaceBrs(doc.body);
+ }
+ this._replaceNodeTags(this._getAllNodesWithTag(doc, ["font"]), "SPAN");
+ },
+ /**
+ * Finds the next node, starting from the given node, and ignoring
+ * whitespace in between. If the given node is an element, the same node is
+ * returned.
+ */
+ _nextNode: function (node) {
+ var next = node;
+ while (next
+ && (next.nodeType != this.ELEMENT_NODE)
+ && this.REGEXPS.whitespace.test(next.textContent)) {
+ next = next.nextSibling;
+ }
+ return next;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Replaces 2 or more successive <br> elements with a single <p>.
+ * Whitespace between <br> elements are ignored. For example:
+ * <div>foo<br>bar<br> <br><br>abc</div>
+ * will become:
+ * <div>foo<br>bar<p>abc</p></div>
+ */
+ _replaceBrs: function (elem) {
+ this._forEachNode(this._getAllNodesWithTag(elem, ["br"]), function(br) {
+ var next = br.nextSibling;
+ // Whether 2 or more <br> elements have been found and replaced with a
+ // <p> block.
+ var replaced = false;
+ // If we find a <br> chain, remove the <br>s until we hit another node
+ // or non-whitespace. This leaves behind the first <br> in the chain
+ // (which will be replaced with a <p> later).
+ while ((next = this._nextNode(next)) && (next.tagName == "BR")) {
+ replaced = true;
+ var brSibling = next.nextSibling;
+ next.parentNode.removeChild(next);
+ next = brSibling;
+ }
+ // If we removed a <br> chain, replace the remaining <br> with a <p>. Add
+ // all sibling nodes as children of the <p> until we hit another <br>
+ // chain.
+ if (replaced) {
+ var p = this._doc.createElement("p");
+ br.parentNode.replaceChild(p, br);
+ next = p.nextSibling;
+ while (next) {
+ // If we've hit another <br><br>, we're done adding children to this <p>.
+ if (next.tagName == "BR") {
+ var nextElem = this._nextNode(next.nextSibling);
+ if (nextElem && nextElem.tagName == "BR")
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!this._isPhrasingContent(next))
+ break;
+ // Otherwise, make this node a child of the new <p>.
+ var sibling = next.nextSibling;
+ p.appendChild(next);
+ next = sibling;
+ }
+ while (p.lastChild && this._isWhitespace(p.lastChild)) {
+ p.removeChild(p.lastChild);
+ }
+ if (p.parentNode.tagName === "P")
+ this._setNodeTag(p.parentNode, "DIV");
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ _setNodeTag: function (node, tag) {
+ this.log("_setNodeTag", node, tag);
+ if (this._docJSDOMParser) {
+ node.localName = tag.toLowerCase();
+ node.tagName = tag.toUpperCase();
+ return node;
+ }
+ var replacement = node.ownerDocument.createElement(tag);
+ while (node.firstChild) {
+ replacement.appendChild(node.firstChild);
+ }
+ node.parentNode.replaceChild(replacement, node);
+ if (node.readability)
+ replacement.readability = node.readability;
+ for (var i = 0; i < node.attributes.length; i++) {
+ try {
+ replacement.setAttribute(node.attributes[i].name, node.attributes[i].value);
+ } catch (ex) {
+ /* it's possible for setAttribute() to throw if the attribute name
+ * isn't a valid XML Name. Such attributes can however be parsed from
+ * source in HTML docs, see https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/4275,
+ * so we can hit them here and then throw. We don't care about such
+ * attributes so we ignore them.
+ */
+ }
+ }
+ return replacement;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Prepare the article node for display. Clean out any inline styles,
+ * iframes, forms, strip extraneous <p> tags, etc.
+ *
+ * @param Element
+ * @return void
+ **/
+ _prepArticle: function(articleContent) {
+ this._cleanStyles(articleContent);
+ // Check for data tables before we continue, to avoid removing items in
+ // those tables, which will often be isolated even though they're
+ // visually linked to other content-ful elements (text, images, etc.).
+ this._markDataTables(articleContent);
+ this._fixLazyImages(articleContent);
+ // Clean out junk from the article content
+ this._cleanConditionally(articleContent, "form");
+ this._cleanConditionally(articleContent, "fieldset");
+ this._clean(articleContent, "object");
+ this._clean(articleContent, "embed");
+ this._clean(articleContent, "footer");
+ this._clean(articleContent, "link");
+ this._clean(articleContent, "aside");
+ // Clean out elements with little content that have "share" in their id/class combinations from final top candidates,
+ // which means we don't remove the top candidates even they have "share".
+ var shareElementThreshold = this.DEFAULT_CHAR_THRESHOLD;
+ this._forEachNode(articleContent.children, function (topCandidate) {
+ this._cleanMatchedNodes(topCandidate, function (node, matchString) {
+ return this.REGEXPS.shareElements.test(matchString) && node.textContent.length < shareElementThreshold;
+ });
+ });
+ this._clean(articleContent, "iframe");
+ this._clean(articleContent, "input");
+ this._clean(articleContent, "textarea");
+ this._clean(articleContent, "select");
+ this._clean(articleContent, "button");
+ this._cleanHeaders(articleContent);
+ // Do these last as the previous stuff may have removed junk
+ // that will affect these
+ this._cleanConditionally(articleContent, "table");
+ this._cleanConditionally(articleContent, "ul");
+ this._cleanConditionally(articleContent, "div");
+ // replace H1 with H2 as H1 should be only title that is displayed separately
+ this._replaceNodeTags(this._getAllNodesWithTag(articleContent, ["h1"]), "h2");
+ // Remove extra paragraphs
+ this._removeNodes(this._getAllNodesWithTag(articleContent, ["p"]), function (paragraph) {
+ var imgCount = paragraph.getElementsByTagName("img").length;
+ var embedCount = paragraph.getElementsByTagName("embed").length;
+ var objectCount = paragraph.getElementsByTagName("object").length;
+ // At this point, nasty iframes have been removed, only remain embedded video ones.
+ var iframeCount = paragraph.getElementsByTagName("iframe").length;
+ var totalCount = imgCount + embedCount + objectCount + iframeCount;
+ return totalCount === 0 && !this._getInnerText(paragraph, false);
+ });
+ this._forEachNode(this._getAllNodesWithTag(articleContent, ["br"]), function(br) {
+ var next = this._nextNode(br.nextSibling);
+ if (next && next.tagName == "P")
+ br.parentNode.removeChild(br);
+ });
+ // Remove single-cell tables
+ this._forEachNode(this._getAllNodesWithTag(articleContent, ["table"]), function(table) {
+ var tbody = this._hasSingleTagInsideElement(table, "TBODY") ? table.firstElementChild : table;
+ if (this._hasSingleTagInsideElement(tbody, "TR")) {
+ var row = tbody.firstElementChild;
+ if (this._hasSingleTagInsideElement(row, "TD")) {
+ var cell = row.firstElementChild;
+ cell = this._setNodeTag(cell, this._everyNode(cell.childNodes, this._isPhrasingContent) ? "P" : "DIV");
+ table.parentNode.replaceChild(cell, table);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ /**
+ * Initialize a node with the readability object. Also checks the
+ * className/id for special names to add to its score.
+ *
+ * @param Element
+ * @return void
+ **/
+ _initializeNode: function(node) {
+ node.readability = {"contentScore": 0};
+ switch (node.tagName) {
+ case "DIV":
+ node.readability.contentScore += 5;
+ break;
+ case "PRE":
+ case "TD":
+ case "BLOCKQUOTE":
+ node.readability.contentScore += 3;
+ break;
+ case "ADDRESS":
+ case "OL":
+ case "UL":
+ case "DL":
+ case "DD":
+ case "DT":
+ case "LI":
+ case "FORM":
+ node.readability.contentScore -= 3;
+ break;
+ case "H1":
+ case "H2":
+ case "H3":
+ case "H4":
+ case "H5":
+ case "H6":
+ case "TH":
+ node.readability.contentScore -= 5;
+ break;
+ }
+ node.readability.contentScore += this._getClassWeight(node);
+ },
+ _removeAndGetNext: function(node) {
+ var nextNode = this._getNextNode(node, true);
+ node.parentNode.removeChild(node);
+ return nextNode;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Traverse the DOM from node to node, starting at the node passed in.
+ * Pass true for the second parameter to indicate this node itself
+ * (and its kids) are going away, and we want the next node over.
+ *
+ * Calling this in a loop will traverse the DOM depth-first.
+ */
+ _getNextNode: function(node, ignoreSelfAndKids) {
+ // First check for kids if those aren't being ignored
+ if (!ignoreSelfAndKids && node.firstElementChild) {
+ return node.firstElementChild;
+ }
+ // Then for siblings...
+ if (node.nextElementSibling) {
+ return node.nextElementSibling;
+ }
+ // And finally, move up the parent chain *and* find a sibling
+ // (because this is depth-first traversal, we will have already
+ // seen the parent nodes themselves).
+ do {
+ node = node.parentNode;
+ } while (node && !node.nextElementSibling);
+ return node && node.nextElementSibling;
+ },
+ // compares second text to first one
+ // 1 = same text, 0 = completely different text
+ // works the way that it splits both texts into words and then finds words that are unique in second text
+ // the result is given by the lower length of unique parts
+ _textSimilarity: function(textA, textB) {
+ var tokensA = textA.toLowerCase().split(this.REGEXPS.tokenize).filter(Boolean);
+ var tokensB = textB.toLowerCase().split(this.REGEXPS.tokenize).filter(Boolean);
+ if (!tokensA.length || !tokensB.length) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ var uniqTokensB = tokensB.filter(token => !tokensA.includes(token));
+ var distanceB = uniqTokensB.join(" ").length / tokensB.join(" ").length;
+ return 1 - distanceB;
+ },
+ _checkByline: function(node, matchString) {
+ if (this._articleByline) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (node.getAttribute !== undefined) {
+ var rel = node.getAttribute("rel");
+ var itemprop = node.getAttribute("itemprop");
+ }
+ if ((rel === "author" || (itemprop && itemprop.indexOf("author") !== -1) || this.REGEXPS.byline.test(matchString)) && this._isValidByline(node.textContent)) {
+ this._articleByline = node.textContent.trim();
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ _getNodeAncestors: function(node, maxDepth) {
+ maxDepth = maxDepth || 0;
+ var i = 0, ancestors = [];
+ while (node.parentNode) {
+ ancestors.push(node.parentNode);
+ if (maxDepth && ++i === maxDepth)
+ break;
+ node = node.parentNode;
+ }
+ return ancestors;
+ },
+ /***
+ * grabArticle - Using a variety of metrics (content score, classname, element types), find the content that is
+ * most likely to be the stuff a user wants to read. Then return it wrapped up in a div.
+ *
+ * @param page a document to run upon. Needs to be a full document, complete with body.
+ * @return Element
+ **/
+ _grabArticle: function (page) {
+ this.log("**** grabArticle ****");
+ var doc = this._doc;
+ var isPaging = page !== null;
+ page = page ? page : this._doc.body;
+ // We can't grab an article if we don't have a page!
+ if (!page) {
+ this.log("No body found in document. Abort.");
+ return null;
+ }
+ var pageCacheHtml = page.innerHTML;
+ while (true) {
+ this.log("Starting grabArticle loop");
+ var stripUnlikelyCandidates = this._flagIsActive(this.FLAG_STRIP_UNLIKELYS);
+ // First, node prepping. Trash nodes that look cruddy (like ones with the
+ // class name "comment", etc), and turn divs into P tags where they have been
+ // used inappropriately (as in, where they contain no other block level elements.)
+ var elementsToScore = [];
+ var node = this._doc.documentElement;
+ let shouldRemoveTitleHeader = true;
+ while (node) {
+ if (node.tagName === "HTML") {
+ this._articleLang = node.getAttribute("lang");
+ }
+ var matchString = node.className + " " + node.id;
+ if (!this._isProbablyVisible(node)) {
+ this.log("Removing hidden node - " + matchString);
+ node = this._removeAndGetNext(node);
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Check to see if this node is a byline, and remove it if it is.
+ if (this._checkByline(node, matchString)) {
+ node = this._removeAndGetNext(node);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (shouldRemoveTitleHeader && this._headerDuplicatesTitle(node)) {
+ this.log("Removing header: ", node.textContent.trim(), this._articleTitle.trim());
+ shouldRemoveTitleHeader = false;
+ node = this._removeAndGetNext(node);
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Remove unlikely candidates
+ if (stripUnlikelyCandidates) {
+ if (this.REGEXPS.unlikelyCandidates.test(matchString) &&
+ !this.REGEXPS.okMaybeItsACandidate.test(matchString) &&
+ !this._hasAncestorTag(node, "table") &&
+ !this._hasAncestorTag(node, "code") &&
+ node.tagName !== "BODY" &&
+ node.tagName !== "A") {
+ this.log("Removing unlikely candidate - " + matchString);
+ node = this._removeAndGetNext(node);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (this.UNLIKELY_ROLES.includes(node.getAttribute("role"))) {
+ this.log("Removing content with role " + node.getAttribute("role") + " - " + matchString);
+ node = this._removeAndGetNext(node);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ // Remove DIV, SECTION, and HEADER nodes without any content(e.g. text, image, video, or iframe).
+ if ((node.tagName === "DIV" || node.tagName === "SECTION" || node.tagName === "HEADER" ||
+ node.tagName === "H1" || node.tagName === "H2" || node.tagName === "H3" ||
+ node.tagName === "H4" || node.tagName === "H5" || node.tagName === "H6") &&
+ this._isElementWithoutContent(node)) {
+ node = this._removeAndGetNext(node);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (this.DEFAULT_TAGS_TO_SCORE.indexOf(node.tagName) !== -1) {
+ elementsToScore.push(node);
+ }
+ // Turn all divs that don't have children block level elements into p's
+ if (node.tagName === "DIV") {
+ // Put phrasing content into paragraphs.
+ var p = null;
+ var childNode = node.firstChild;
+ while (childNode) {
+ var nextSibling = childNode.nextSibling;
+ if (this._isPhrasingContent(childNode)) {
+ if (p !== null) {
+ p.appendChild(childNode);
+ } else if (!this._isWhitespace(childNode)) {
+ p = doc.createElement("p");
+ node.replaceChild(p, childNode);
+ p.appendChild(childNode);
+ }
+ } else if (p !== null) {
+ while (p.lastChild && this._isWhitespace(p.lastChild)) {
+ p.removeChild(p.lastChild);
+ }
+ p = null;
+ }
+ childNode = nextSibling;
+ }
+ // Sites like http://mobile.slate.com encloses each paragraph with a DIV
+ // element. DIVs with only a P element inside and no text content can be
+ // safely converted into plain P elements to avoid confusing the scoring
+ // algorithm with DIVs with are, in practice, paragraphs.
+ if (this._hasSingleTagInsideElement(node, "P") && this._getLinkDensity(node) < 0.25) {
+ var newNode = node.children[0];
+ node.parentNode.replaceChild(newNode, node);
+ node = newNode;
+ elementsToScore.push(node);
+ } else if (!this._hasChildBlockElement(node)) {
+ node = this._setNodeTag(node, "P");
+ elementsToScore.push(node);
+ }
+ }
+ node = this._getNextNode(node);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Loop through all paragraphs, and assign a sco