# C compiler CC=gcc # alternatives: tcc, clang, zig cc WARNINGS=-Wall OPTIMIZED_SOME=-O3 OPTIMIZED_MORE=-Ofast -march=native -funit-at-a-time -flto # binary will not be compatible with other computers, but may be much faster DEBUG= # -g # Dependencies DEPS='webkit2gtk-4.1' INCS=`pkg-config --cflags ${DEPS}` LIBS=`pkg-config --libs ${DEPS}` # Code SRC=rosenrot.c CONFIG=config.h # Plugins include plugins/plugins.mk # PLUGINS=./plugins/stand_in/stand_in.c ## Formatter STYLE_BLUEPRINT="{BasedOnStyle: webkit, AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: true, IndentCaseLabels: true, AllowShortEnumsOnASingleLine: true}" FORMATTER=clang-format -i -style=$(STYLE_BLUEPRINT) # Runtime files MAINTAINER_CACHE_DIR=/home/nuno/.cache/rosenrot USER_CACHE_DIR=/home/`whoami`/.cache/rosenrot RUNTIME_FILES_DIR=/opt/rosenrot/ build: $(SRC) $(PLUGINS) $(CONFIG) constants user_cache $(CC) $(WARNINGS) $(OPTIMIZED_MORE) $(DEBUG) $(INCS) $(PLUGINS) $(SRC) -o rosenrot $(LIBS) $(ADBLOCK) constants: @echo "# Computing constants" cd plugins/readability/ && sh recompute_READABILITY_N.sh cd plugins/style && sh recompute_STYLE_N.sh @echo user_cache: @if [ `id -u` -eq 0 ]; then echo "can't run make user_cache with sudo, because USER_CACHE_DIR would be /home/root/.cache"; return 1; fi @echo "# Create user cache" mkdir -p $(USER_CACHE_DIR) find . -type f -not -path "*.git*" -not -path "*makefile*" -exec \ sed -i "s|$(MAINTAINER_CACHE_DIR)|$(USER_CACHE_DIR)|g" {} + @echo runtime_files: sudo mkdir -p /opt/rosenrot/ sudo cp style.css /opt/rosenrot/ sudo cp -r images/flower-imgs /opt/rosenrot/ sudo cp plugins/style/style.js /opt/rosenrot/ sudo cp plugins/readability/readability.js /opt/rosenrot/ install: rosenrot runtime_files cp -f rosenrot /usr/bin cp rosenrot-mklink /usr/bin uninstall: rm -r /opt/rosenrot rm /usr/bin/rosenrot rm /usr/bin/rosenrot-mklink rm $(USER_CACHE_DIR) clean: rm rosenrot rm $(USER_CACHE_DIR) format: $(SRC) $(PLUGINS) $(FORMATTER) $(SRC) $(PLUGINS) $(rosenrot.h) lint: clang-tidy $(SRC) $(PLUGINS) -- -Wall -O3 $(INCS) -o rosenrot $(LIBS) ## A few more commands: fast: $(SRC) $(PLUGINS) $(CONFIG) rm -f *.gcda GIO_MODULE_DIR=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gio/modules/ $(CC) $(WARNINGS) $(OPTIMIZED_MORE) -fprofile-generate $(INCS) $(PLUGINS) $(SRC) -o rosenrot $(LIBS) $(ADBLOCK) @echo "Now use the browser for a while to gather some profiling data" sleep 2 ./rosenrot $(CC) $(WARNINGS) $(OPTIMIZED_MORE) -fprofile-use $(INCS) $(PLUGINS) $(SRC) -o rosenrot $(LIBS) $(ADBLOCK) rm -f *.gcda inspect: rosenrot GTK_DEBUG=interactive ./rosenrot diagnose_deprecations: rosenrot G_ENABLE_DIAGNOSTIC=1 ./rosenrot view-gtk3-version: dpkg -l libgtk-3-0 twitter: sudo mkdir -p /usr/bin/rosenrot-browser sudo cp rosenrot /usr/bin/rosenrot-browser/twitter # COMPILETIME_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS=#-DGDK_DISABLE_DEPRECATED -DGTK_DISABLE_DEPRECATED # turns out that webkit2gtk-4.1 is using some deprecated stuff, lol