diff options
2 files changed, 8 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/test-tnpair.nix b/test-tnpair.nix
index 70fb5c8..7cc5453 100644
--- a/test-tnpair.nix
+++ b/test-tnpair.nix
@@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ let
testNaming = linkOutputs {
+ crai = samtools.index {} (samtools.view { outfmt = types.toCram; } tnpairResult.alignments.tumour);
kallisto = kallisto.quant {inherit ref;} (attrValues tnpair.tumour.files);
facets = facets.callCNV {} {vcf = tnpairResult.platypusVars; bams = with tnpairResult.alignments; [ normal tumour ];};
cnvkit = cnvkitResults.cnvs;
diff --git a/tools/samtools-index.nix b/tools/samtools-index.nix
index d0f8d7a..62ee4c9 100644
--- a/tools/samtools-index.nix
+++ b/tools/samtools-index.nix
@@ -8,16 +8,19 @@ with bionix;
with lib;
with types;
-assert (matchFiletype "samtools-index" { bam = _: true; } input);
+assert (matchFiletype "samtools-index" { bam = _: true; cram = _: true; } input);
assert (matchFileSorting "samtools-index" { coord = _: true; } input);
+ ext = matchFiletype "samtools-index-ext" { bam = _: "bam"; cram = _: "cram"; };
stage {
name = "samtools-index";
buildInputs = with pkgs; [ samtools ];
buildCommand = ''
- ln -s ${input} input.bam
- samtools index -@ $NIX_BUILD_CORES ${optionalString (flags != null) flags} input.bam
- cp input.bam.bai $out
+ ln -s ${input} input.${ext input}
+ samtools index -@ $NIX_BUILD_CORES ${optionalString (flags != null) flags} input.${ext input} $out
passthru.multicore = true;