path: root/forth.s
diff options
authorJustin Bedo <cu@cua0.org>2012-11-19 10:11:44 +1100
committerJustin Bedo <cu@cua0.org>2012-11-19 10:11:44 +1100
commit1b30051ee29fbf6a0ddf989a1faac2481d601bd9 (patch)
tree58d2298c95afd282cbca1b15eb469c53e6b778d9 /forth.s
Import of untracked forth codebase.HEADmaster
Diffstat (limited to 'forth.s')
1 files changed, 1712 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/forth.s b/forth.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8566a9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/forth.s
@@ -0,0 +1,1712 @@
+[bits 32]
+; /usr/include/asm/unistd.h
+%macro pushs 1 ; Pushes something onto the stack
+ lea ebp, [ebp - 4]
+ mov dword [ebp], %1
+%macro pops 1 ; Pops something from the stack
+ mov dword %1, [ebp]
+ lea ebp, [ebp + 4]
+ %define link 0
+ F_IMMED equ 0x80
+ F_LENMASK equ 0x1f
+ F_INLINE equ 0x40
+%macro defcode 4 ; name, namelen, flags, label
+ section .rodata
+ align 4
+ global name_%4
+ dd link
+ %define link name_%4
+ db %2+%3
+ db %1
+ align 4
+ global %4
+%macro defvar 5 ; name, namelen, flags, label, initial
+ defcode %1, %2, %3, %4
+ pushs eax
+ mov eax, [var_%4]
+ ret
+ section .data
+ align 4
+ dd %5
+%macro defconst 5 ; name, namelen, flags, label, value
+ defcode %1, %2, %3, %4
+ pushs %5
+ ret
+section .text
+global _start
+ cld
+ mov ebp, stack_top
+ mov [var_rz],esp
+ finit
+ fldcw [rnd_near]
+ call alloc_dict
+ call quit
+ section .data
+ dw 0xfff
+ dw 0x3ff
+ dw 0xbff
+ dw 0x7ff
+defcode 'lit', 3, 0, lit
+ pushs eax
+ mov ebx, [esp]
+ mov eax, [ebx]
+ add ebx, 4
+ mov [esp], ebx
+ ret
+defcode 'drop', 4, F_INLINE, drop
+ pops eax
+ ret
+defcode 'swap', 4, F_INLINE, swap
+ pops ebx
+ pushs eax
+ mov eax, ebx
+ ret
+defcode 'dup', 3, F_INLINE, dup
+ pushs eax
+ ret
+defcode '2drop', 5, F_INLINE, twodrop
+ mov eax, [ebp + 4]
+ lea ebp, [ebp + 8]
+ ret
+defcode 'over', 4, F_INLINE, over
+ mov ebx,[ebp]
+ pushs eax
+ mov eax, ebx
+ ret
+defcode '2dup', 4, F_INLINE, twodup
+ mov ebx,[ebp]
+ pushs eax
+ mov eax, ebx
+ mov ebx,[ebp]
+ pushs eax
+ mov eax, ebx
+ ret
+defcode 'nip', 3, F_INLINE, nip
+ pops ebx
+ ret
+defcode 'rot', 3, F_INLINE, rot
+ pops ebx
+ pops ecx
+ pushs ebx
+ pushs eax
+ mov eax,ecx
+ ret
+defcode '-rot', 4, F_INLINE, irot
+ pops ebx
+ pops ecx
+ pushs eax
+ pushs ecx
+ mov eax, ebx
+ ret
+defcode '+', 1, F_INLINE, plus
+ pops ebx
+ add eax,ebx
+ ret
+defcode '-', 1, F_INLINE, minus
+ neg eax
+ ret
+defcode '+-', 2, F_INLINE, plusminus
+ pops ebx
+ sub eax, ebx
+ ret
+defcode 'not', 3, F_INLINE, lnot
+ not eax
+ ret
+defcode '1+', 2, F_INLINE, add1
+ inc eax
+ ret
+defcode '1-', 2, F_INLINE, sub1
+ dec eax
+ ret
+defcode 'under1+', 7, F_INLINE, underadd1
+ pops ebx
+ inc ebx
+ pushs ebx
+ ret
+defcode 'under1-', 7, F_INLINE, undersub1
+ pops ebx
+ dec ebx
+ pushs ebx
+ ret
+defcode '4+', 2, F_INLINE, add4
+ add eax, 4
+ ret
+defcode '4-', 2, F_INLINE, sub4
+ sub eax, 4
+ ret
+defcode 'under4+', 7, F_INLINE, underadd4
+ pops ebx
+ sub ebx, -4
+ pushs ebx
+ ret
+defcode 'under4-', 7, F_INLINE, undersub4
+ pops ebx
+ sub ebx, 4
+ pushs ebx
+ ret
+defcode '4*', 2, F_INLINE, mul4
+ sal eax, 2
+ ret
+defcode '4/', 2, F_INLINE, div4
+ sar eax, 2
+ ret
+defcode '*', 1, F_INLINE, mult
+ pops ebx
+ imul dword ebx
+ ret
+defcode '*/', 2, F_INLINE, divmul
+ mov ecx, eax
+ pops ebx
+ pops eax
+ imul dword ebx
+ xor edx, edx
+ idiv ecx
+ ret
+defcode '/mod', 4, 0, divmod
+ mov ebx, eax
+ pops eax
+ xor edx, edx
+ idiv dword ebx
+ pushs edx
+ ret
+defcode 'abs', 3, F_INLINE, iabs
+ cmp eax, 0
+ jge abs_pos
+ neg eax
+ ret
+ ; Morton dilations
+defcode 'undilate', 8, 0, dilate
+ mov ebx, eax
+ sar ebx, 1
+ or eax, ebx
+ and eax, 0x33333333
+ mov ebx, eax
+ sar ebx, 2
+ or eax, ebx
+ and eax, 0x0f0f0f0f
+ mov ebx, eax
+ sar ebx, 4
+ or eax, ebx
+ and eax, 0x00ff00ff
+ mov ebx, eax
+ sar ebx, 8
+ or eax, ebx
+ and eax, 0x0000ffff
+ ret
+defcode 'dilate', 6, 0, undilate
+ mov ebx, eax
+ sal ebx, 8
+ or eax, ebx
+ and eax, 0x00ff00ff
+ mov ebx, eax
+ sal ebx, 4
+ or eax, ebx
+ and eax, 0x0f0f0f0f
+ mov ebx, eax
+ sal ebx, 2
+ or eax, ebx
+ and eax, 0x33333333
+ mov ebx, eax
+ sal ebx, 1
+ or eax, ebx
+ and eax, 0x55555555
+ ret
+ ; Prints out a number
+defcode '.', 1, 0, dot
+ push esi
+ push edi
+ mov ebx, eax
+ test ebx, ebx
+ jg dot_pos
+ je dot_zero
+ neg ebx
+ pushs eax
+ mov eax, 45
+ push ebx
+ call emit
+ pop ebx
+ ; Calculate number of digits (log10 effectivly)
+ ; Uses some bit hacks
+ bsr ecx, ebx
+ inc ecx
+ imul ecx, 1233
+ sar ecx, 12
+ inc ecx
+ mov eax, [log10 + ecx * 4]
+ cmp ebx, eax
+ jge dot_pdigs
+ dec ecx
+ mov eax, ebx
+ xor edx,edx
+ mov ebx, 10
+ push ecx
+ xor edx, edx
+ idiv ebx
+ add edx, 48
+ pushs edx
+ loop dot_split
+ pop ecx
+ pops eax
+ push ecx
+ call emit
+ pop ecx
+ loop dot_emit
+ pop edi
+ pop esi
+ ret
+ mov eax, 48
+ pop edi
+ pop esi
+ jmp emit
+ dd 0
+ dd 1
+ dd 10
+ dd 100
+ dd 1000
+ dd 10000
+ dd 100000
+ dd 1000000
+ dd 10000000
+ dd 100000000
+ ; Converts to logrep from string
+ ; Implements a little FSM
+defcode 'lnumber', 7, 0, lnumber
+ push esi
+ push edi
+ pops esi
+ pushs eax
+ mov ecx, eax
+ xor eax, eax
+ xor ebx, ebx
+ xor edi, edi
+ test ecx, ecx
+ jz lnumber_whole_terminate
+ lodsb
+ dec ecx
+ cmp al, '+'
+ je lnumber_whole
+ cmp al, '-'
+ je lnumber_whole_neg
+ cmp al, '.'
+ je lnumber_whole_frac
+ cmp al, 'e'
+ je lnumber_whole_exp
+ cmp al, 'E'
+ je lnumber_whole_exp
+ imul ebx, 10
+ sub al, '0'
+ add ebx, eax
+ jmp lnumber_whole
+ inc edi
+ jmp lnumber_whole
+ mov [ebp],ebx
+ fild dword [ebp]
+ test edi, edi
+ jz lnumber_frac_init
+ fchs
+ jmp lnumber_frac_init
+ mov [ebp],ebx
+ fild dword [ebp]
+ test edi, edi
+ jz lnumber_exp_init
+ fchs
+ jmp lnumber_exp_init
+ mov [ebp],ebx
+ fild dword [ebp]
+ test edi, edi
+ jz lnumber_whole_terminate_pos
+ fchs
+ call tolog
+ call fisteax
+ pop edi
+ pop esi
+ ret
+ mov edx, 1
+ xor ebx, ebx
+ cmp edx, 1000000000
+ jge lnumber_frac_long
+ test ecx, ecx
+ jz lnumber_frac_terminate
+ lodsb
+ dec ecx
+ cmp al, 'e'
+ je lnumber_frac_exp
+ cmp al, 'E'
+ je lnumber_frac_exp
+ imul ebx, 10
+ sub al, '0'
+ add ebx, eax
+ imul edx, 10
+ jmp lnumber_frac
+ mov [ebp],ebx
+ fild dword [ebp]
+ test edi, edi
+ jz lnumber_frac_exp_pos
+ fchs
+ mov [ebp], edx
+ fild dword [ebp]
+ fdivp st1
+ faddp st1
+ jmp lnumber_exp_init
+ mov [ebp],ebx
+ fild dword [ebp]
+ test edi, edi
+ jz lnumber_frac_terminate_pos
+ fchs
+ mov [ebp], edx
+ fild dword [ebp]
+ fdivp st1
+ faddp st1
+ call tolog
+ call fisteax
+ pop edi
+ pop esi
+ ret
+ test ecx, ecx
+ jz lnumber_frac_terminate
+ lodsb
+ dec ecx
+ cmp al, 'e'
+ je lnumber_frac_exp
+ cmp al, 'E'
+ je lnumber_frac_exp
+ jmp lnumber_frac_long
+ xor ebx, ebx
+ xor eax, eax
+ xor edi, edi
+ test ecx, ecx
+ jz lnumber_exp_terminate
+ lodsb
+ dec ecx
+ cmp al, '+'
+ je lnumber_exp
+ cmp al, '-'
+ je lnumber_exp_neg
+ imul ebx, 10
+ sub al, '0'
+ add ebx, eax
+ jmp lnumber_exp
+ inc edi
+ jmp lnumber_exp
+ mov [ebp],ebx
+ fild dword [ebp]
+ test edi, edi
+ jz lnumber_exp_pos
+ fchs
+ fldl2t
+ fmulp
+ fld st0
+ frndint
+ fsub st1, st0
+ fxch st1
+ f2xm1
+ fld1
+ fadd
+ fscale
+ fstp st1
+ fmulp
+ call tolog
+ call fisteax
+ pop edi
+ pop esi
+ ret
+ ftst
+ push eax
+ xor edx, edx
+ xor ebx, ebx
+ fstsw ax
+ fwait
+ sahf
+ pop eax
+ ja tolog_pos
+ jz tolog_zero
+ mov edx, 0x80000000
+ fchs
+ inc ebx
+ fld1
+ fxch st1
+ fyl2x
+ fimul dword [var_sfactor]
+ ret
+ fidiv dword [var_sfactor]
+ fld st0
+ frndint
+ fsub st1, st0
+ fxch st1
+ f2xm1
+ fld1
+ faddp st1, st0
+ fscale
+ fstp st1
+ test edx,edx
+ jz fromlog_pos
+ fchs
+ ret
+ mov edx, eax
+ and edx, 0x80000000
+ and eax, 0x7fffffff
+ sub eax, 0x40000000
+ pushs eax
+ fild dword [ebp]
+ ret
+ test ebx, ebx
+ jz fisteax_zero
+ fistp dword [ebp]
+ pops eax
+ add eax, 0x40000000
+ or eax, edx
+ ret
+ fstp st0
+ pops eax
+ xor eax, eax
+ ret
+ ; Prints out a logrep number
+defcode 'l.', 2, 0, ldot
+ push esi
+ push edi
+ call fldeax
+ call fromlog
+ ; Sign
+ test edx, edx
+ jz ldot_pos
+ fchs
+ mov eax, 45
+ call emit
+ pushs eax
+ fldlg2
+ fld st1
+ fyl2x
+ fild dword [floor]
+ fcomip st0, st1
+ ja ldot_zero ; Catch zeros
+ fild dword [ceil]
+ fcomip st0, st1
+ jb ldot_inf ; Catch inf
+ fldcw [rnd_floor]
+ frndint
+ fist dword [ebp]
+ mov edx, [ebp] ; exponent base 10
+ ; Scale number
+ fchs
+ fldl2t
+ fmulp
+ fld st0
+ frndint
+ fsub st1, st0
+ fxch st1
+ f2xm1
+ fld1
+ fadd
+ fscale
+ fstp st1
+ fmulp
+ ; Print first digit
+ fldcw [rnd_trunc]
+ fist dword [ebp]
+ pops eax
+ add eax, 48
+ push edx
+ call emit
+ pushs eax
+ mov eax, 46
+ call emit
+ pop edx
+ pushs eax
+ pushs eax
+ ; Print remaining digits
+ mov ecx, [sigdigs]
+ fld st0
+ frndint
+ fsubp st1
+ fimul dword [ten]
+ fist dword [ebp]
+ pops eax
+ add eax, 48
+ push ecx
+ push edx
+ call emit
+ pop edx
+ pop ecx
+ pushs eax
+ pushs eax
+ loop ldot_pdigs
+ pops eax
+ mov eax, 101
+ push edx
+ call emit
+ pop edx
+ pushs eax
+ mov eax, edx
+ call dot
+ pop edi
+ pop esi
+ fldcw [rnd_near]
+ fstp st0
+ ret
+ pops eax
+ pop edi
+ pop esi
+ mov eax, 48
+ fstp st0
+ fstp st0
+ jmp emit
+ pops eax
+ pop edi
+ pop esi
+ mov eax, 105
+ call emit
+ pushs eax
+ mov eax, 110
+ call emit
+ pushs eax
+ mov eax, 102
+ fstp st0
+ fstp st0
+ jmp emit
+ section .data
+ dd -50
+ dd 50
+ dd 10
+ dd 5
+defcode 'l*', 2, 0, lmult
+ pops ebx
+ test eax, 0x7fffffff
+ jz lmult_zero
+ test ebx, 0x7fffffff
+ jz lmult_zero
+ add eax, ebx
+ sub eax, 0x40000000
+ ret
+ xor eax, eax
+ ret
+defcode 'l/', 2, F_INLINE, linv
+ xor eax, 0x7fffffff
+ ret
+defcode 'l/*', 3, 0, ldiv
+ pops ebx
+ test ebx, 0x7fffffff
+ jz ldiv_zero
+ xor eax, 0x7fffffff
+ add eax, ebx
+ sub eax, 0x40000000
+ ret
+ xor eax, eax
+ ret
+defcode 'l+', 2, 0, ladd
+ test eax, 0x7fffffff
+ jz ladd_zero
+ mov ebx, [ebp]
+ test ebx, 0x7fffffff
+ jz ladd_zero2
+ xor ebx, 0x7fffffff
+ add eax, ebx
+ sub eax, 0x40000000
+ call l1plus
+ pops ebx
+ add eax, ebx
+ sub eax, 0x40000000
+ ret
+ pops eax
+ ret
+ pops ebx
+ ret
+defcode 'l-', 2, F_INLINE, lsgn
+ xor eax, 0x80000000
+ ret
+defcode 'l-+', 3, 0, lsub
+ test eax, 0x7fffffff
+ jz lsub_zero
+ xor eax, 0x80000000
+ mov ebx, [ebp]
+ test ebx, 0x7fffffff
+ jz lsub_zero2
+ xor ebx, 0x7fffffff
+ add eax, ebx
+ sub eax, 0x40000000
+ call l1plus
+ pops ebx
+ add eax, ebx
+ sub eax, 0x40000000
+ ret
+ pops eax
+ ret
+ pops ebx
+ ret
+defcode 'lpow', 4, 0, lpow
+ call fldeax
+ call fromlog
+ fimul dword [pow_factor]
+ fistp dword [ebp]
+ pops ebx
+ pops eax
+ sub eax, 0x40000000
+ imul eax, ebx
+ xor edx, edx
+ sar eax, 8
+ add eax, 0x40000000
+ ret
+ section .data
+ dd 0x100
+defcode "l1+", 3, 0, l1plus
+ call fldeax
+ call fromlog
+ fld1
+ faddp
+ call tolog
+ jmp fisteax
+defcode 'labs', 4, F_INLINE, labs
+ and eax, 0x7fffffff
+ ret
+defcode "log", 3, 0, log
+ call fldeax
+ call fromlog
+ fldln2
+ fxch st1
+ fyl2x
+ call tolog
+ jmp fisteax
+defcode "exp", 3, 0, exp
+ call fldeax
+ call fromlog
+ fldl2e
+ fmulp
+ fld st0
+ frndint
+ fsub st1, st0
+ fxch st1
+ f2xm1
+ fld1
+ fadd
+ fscale
+ fstp st1
+ call tolog
+ jmp fisteax
+defcode 'ilog', 4, F_INLINE, ilog
+ bsr eax,eax
+ ret
+defcode "ltoi", 4, 0, ltoi
+ call fldeax
+ call fromlog
+ fistp dword [ebp]
+ pops eax
+ ret
+defcode "itol", 4, 0, itol
+ pushs eax
+ fild dword [ebp]
+ call tolog
+ jmp fisteax
+defcode 'rnd', 3, 0, rnd
+ call fldeax
+ call fromlog
+ frndint
+ call tolog
+ jmp fisteax
+defcode '=', 1, F_INLINE, eq
+ pops ebx
+ cmp eax, ebx
+ sete al
+ movzx eax, al
+ ret
+defcode '!=', 2, F_INLINE, neq
+ pops ebx
+ cmp eax, ebx
+ setne al
+ movzx eax, al
+ ret
+defcode '<', 1, F_INLINE, lt
+ pops ebx
+ cmp eax, ebx
+ setg al
+ movzx eax, al
+ ret
+defcode '>', 1, F_INLINE, gt
+ pops ebx
+ cmp eax, ebx
+ setl al
+ movzx eax, al
+ ret
+defcode '<=', 2, F_INLINE, le
+ pops ebx
+ cmp eax, ebx
+ setge al
+ movzx eax, al
+ ret
+defcode '>=', 2, F_INLINE, ge
+ pops ebx
+ cmp eax, ebx
+ setle al
+ movzx eax, al
+ ret
+defcode 'l0=', 3, F_INLINE, lzeq
+ test eax, 0x7fffffff
+ setz al
+ movzx eax, al
+ ret
+defcode 'l0!=', 4, F_INLINE, lnzeq
+ test eax, 0x7fffffff
+ setnz al
+ movzx eax, al
+ ret
+defcode '0=', 2, F_INLINE, zeq
+ test eax, eax
+ setz al
+ movzx eax, al
+ ret
+defcode '0!=', 3, F_INLINE, nzeq
+ test eax, eax
+ setnz al
+ movzx eax, al
+ ret
+defcode '0<', 2, F_INLINE, zlt
+ test eax, eax
+ setl al
+ movzx eax, al
+ ret
+defcode '0>', 2, F_INLINE, zgt
+ test eax, eax
+ setg al
+ movzx eax, al
+ ret
+defcode '0<=', 3, F_INLINE, zle
+ test eax, eax
+ setle al
+ movzx eax, al
+ ret
+defcode '0>=', 3, F_INLINE, zge
+ test eax, eax
+ setge al
+ movzx eax, al
+ ret
+defcode 'and', 3, F_INLINE, and
+ pops ebx
+ and eax, ebx
+ ret
+defcode 'or', 2, F_INLINE, or
+ pops ebx
+ or eax, ebx
+ ret
+defcode 'xor', 3, F_INLINE, xor
+ pops ebx
+ xor eax, ebx
+ ret
+defcode '2*', 2, F_INLINE, twotimes
+ sal eax, 1
+ ret
+defcode '2/', 2, F_INLINE, twodiv
+ sar eax, 1
+ ret
+defcode 'lshift', 6, F_INLINE, lshift
+ shl eax, 1
+ ret
+defcode 'rshift', 6, F_INLINE, rshift
+ shr eax, 1
+ ret
+defcode 'char', 4, 0, char
+ call rword
+ pops ebx
+ xor eax, eax
+ mov byte al, [ebx]
+ ret
+defcode '>r', 2, F_INLINE, tor
+ push eax
+ pops eax
+ ret
+defcode '<r', 2, F_INLINE, fromr
+ pushs eax
+ pop eax
+ ret
+defcode '>a', 2, F_INLINE, toa
+ mov esi, eax
+ pops eax
+ ret
+defcode '<a', 2, F_INLINE, froma
+ pushs eax
+ mov eax, esi
+ ret
+defcode '@a', 2, F_INLINE, ata
+ pushs eax
+ mov eax, [esi]
+ ret
+defcode '!a', 2, F_INLINE, puta
+ mov [esi], eax
+ pops eax
+ ret
+defcode 'c@a', 3, F_INLINE, cata
+ pushs eax
+ xor eax, eax
+ mov al, [esi]
+ ret
+defcode 'c!a', 3, F_INLINE, putca
+ mov [esi], al
+ pops eax
+ ret
+defcode '@+', 2, F_INLINE, getinca
+ pushs eax
+ lodsd
+ ret
+defcode 'c@+', 3, F_INLINE, getcinca
+ pushs eax
+ xor eax, eax
+ lodsb
+ ret
+defcode '>b', 2, F_INLINE, tob
+ mov edi, eax
+ pops eax
+ ret
+defcode '<b', 2, F_INLINE, fromb
+ pushs eax
+ mov eax, edi
+ ret
+defcode '@b', 2, F_INLINE, atb
+ pushs eax
+ mov eax, [edi]
+ ret
+defcode '!b', 2, F_INLINE, putb
+ mov [edi], eax
+ pops eax
+ ret
+defcode 'c@b', 3, F_INLINE, atcb
+ pushs eax
+ xor eax, eax
+ mov al, [edi]
+ ret
+defcode 'c!b', 3, F_INLINE, putcb
+ mov [edi], al
+ pops eax
+ ret
+defcode '!+', 2, F_INLINE, putincb
+ stosd
+ pops eax
+ ret
+defcode 'c!+', 3, F_INLINE, puctincb
+ stosb
+ pops eax
+ ret
+defcode '+!', 2, F_INLINE, addput
+ pops ebx
+ mov ecx, [eax]
+ add ecx, ebx
+ mov [eax], ecx
+ pops eax
+ ret
+defcode 'b+', 2, F_INLINE, incb
+ inc edi
+ ret
+defcode 'a+', 2, F_INLINE, inca
+ inc esi
+ ret
+defcode 'memcpy', 6, 0, memcpy
+ mov ecx, eax
+ lodsd
+ stosd
+ loop memcpy_loop
+ pops eax
+ ret
+defcode 'branch', 6, 0, branch
+ mov ebx,[esp]
+ mov ecx, [ebx]
+ mov [esp], ecx
+ ret
+defcode '0branch', 7, 0, nbranch
+ test eax,eax
+ pops eax
+ jz branch
+ mov ebx, [esp]
+ add ebx, 4
+ mov [esp], ebx
+ ret
+defcode 'quit', 4, 0, quit
+ mov esp,[var_rz]
+ call interpret
+ jmp quit
+defcode 'abort', 5, 0, abort
+ mov ebp, stack_top
+ jmp quit
+defcode 'interpret', 9, 0, interpret
+ call rword
+ call twodup
+ call find
+ test eax,eax
+ jz push_lit ; a number
+ call nip
+ call nip
+ mov dword ebx, [var_state]
+ test ebx, ebx
+ jz execute
+ mov byte bl, [eax+4]
+ and bl, F_IMMED
+ jnz execute
+ ; we are compiling a word
+ ; Check to see if we inline
+ mov bl, [eax + 4]
+ test bl, F_INLINE
+ jnz compile_inline_word
+ call tcfa
+ call ccomma
+ ret
+ call tcfa
+ push esi
+ push edi
+ mov esi, eax
+ mov edi, [var_here]
+ lodsb
+ cmp al, 0xc3
+ je compile_inline_word_done
+ stosb
+ jmp compile_inline_word_loop
+ mov [var_here], edi
+ pop edi
+ pop esi
+ pops eax
+ ret
+ call tcfa
+ mov ebx, eax
+ pops eax
+ call ebx
+ ret
+ pops eax
+ pusha
+ mov ecx, eax
+ mov edi, [ebp]
+ mov al, 46
+ cld
+ repne scasb
+ popa
+ jne push_int
+ call lnumber
+ jmp push_cont
+ call number
+ mov dword ebx, [var_state]
+ test ebx, ebx
+ jnz compile_lit
+ ret
+ push edi
+ mov edi, [var_here]
+ push eax
+ mov eax, lit
+ sub eax, edi
+ add eax, -5
+ push eax
+ mov al, 0xe8
+ stosb
+ pop eax
+ stosd
+ pop eax
+ stosd
+ mov [var_here], edi
+ pops eax
+ pop edi
+ ret
+defcode 'number', 6, 0, number
+ mov ecx, eax
+ pops edx
+ xor eax, eax
+ xor ebx, ebx
+ mov byte [is_neg], 0
+ test ecx, ecx
+ jle number_end
+ mov byte bl, [edx]
+ inc edx
+ dec ecx
+ cmp bl, '+'
+ je number_parse_digits
+ cmp bl, '-'
+ je number_neg
+ sub bl, '0'
+ mov al, bl
+ test ecx, ecx
+ jz number_end
+ imul eax, 10
+ mov byte bl, [edx]
+ inc edx
+ dec ecx
+ sub bl, '0'
+ add eax, ebx
+ jmp number_parse_digits
+ inc byte [is_neg]
+ jmp number_parse_digits
+ mov byte bl, [is_neg]
+ test bl, bl
+ jz number_pos
+ neg eax
+ ret
+ section .data
+is_neg: db 0
+defcode 'key',3,0,key
+ pushs eax
+ mov eax, 3
+ xor ebx, ebx
+ mov ecx, buffer
+ mov edx, 1
+ int 0x80
+ test eax, eax
+ jbe dead
+ mov eax, [buffer]
+ ret
+ mov eax, 1
+ xor ebx, ebx
+ int 0x80
+defcode 'emit', 4, 0, emit
+ mov [buffer], eax
+ mov eax, 4
+ mov ebx, 1
+ mov ecx, buffer
+ mov edx, 1
+ int 0x80
+ pops eax
+ ret
+ section .data
+ align 4
+ dd 0
+defcode 'word', 4, 0, rword
+ call key
+ cmp al, ' '
+ je word_space
+ cmp al, 10
+ je word_space
+ cmp al, 9
+ je word_space
+ push edi
+ mov edi, word_buffer
+ mov ebx, 1
+ stosb
+ pops eax
+ push ebx
+ call key
+ pop ebx
+ cmp al, ' '
+ je end_word
+ cmp al, 9
+ je end_word
+ cmp al, 10
+ je end_word
+ stosb
+ pops eax
+ inc ebx
+ jmp fill
+ mov eax, word_buffer
+ pushs eax
+ mov eax, ebx
+ pop edi
+ ret
+ pops eax
+ jmp rword
+ section .data
+ align 4
+ times 64 db 0
+defcode 'find', 4, 0, find
+ pops ebx
+ mov ecx, eax
+ mov edx, var_latest
+ test edx, edx
+ je nothing_found
+ ; length check
+ xor eax, eax
+ mov al, [edx + 4]
+ and al, F_LENMASK
+ cmp cl, al
+ jne mismatch
+ ; full check
+ push ecx
+ push esi
+ push edi
+ mov edi, ebx
+ lea esi, [edx + 5]
+ repe cmpsb
+ pop edi
+ pop esi
+ pop ecx
+ jne mismatch
+ ; match
+ mov eax, edx
+ ret
+ mov edx, [edx]
+ jmp check_name
+ xor eax, eax
+ ret
+defcode '>cfa', 4, 0, tcfa
+ add eax, 4
+ xor ecx, ecx
+ mov byte cl, [eax]
+ inc eax
+ and cl, F_LENMASK
+ add eax, ecx
+ add eax, 3
+ and eax, ~3
+ ret
+defcode 'create', 6, 0, create
+ mov ecx, eax ; nlen
+ push esi
+ push edi
+ pops esi ; str ptr
+ mov edi, [var_here]
+ add edi, 3
+ and edi, ~3
+ mov eax, [var_latest]
+ mov [var_latest], edi
+ stosd ; link pointer
+ mov al, cl
+ stosb ; nlen
+ rep movsb ; store name
+ ; pad
+ add edi, 3
+ and edi, ~3
+ ; update here
+ mov eax,[var_here]
+ mov [var_here], edi
+ pops eax
+ pop edi
+ pop esi
+ ret
+defcode ',', 1, 0, comma
+ push edi
+ mov edi,[var_here]
+ stosd
+ mov [var_here], edi
+ pop edi
+ pops eax
+ ret
+defcode 'c,', 2, 0, commac
+ push edi
+ mov edi,[var_here]
+ stosb
+ mov [var_here], edi
+ pop edi
+ pops eax
+ ret
+defcode '[', 1, F_IMMED, lbrac
+ mov dword [var_state], 0
+ ret
+defcode ']', 1, 0, rbrac
+ mov dword [var_state], 1
+ ret
+defcode ':', 1, 0, colon
+ call rword
+ call create
+ jmp rbrac
+defcode 'exit', 4, 0, exit
+ jmp semicolon
+defcode 'nop', 3, 0, donothing
+ ret
+defcode '!h', 2, F_INLINE, writehere
+ mov [var_here], eax
+ pops eax
+ ret
+ ; Tail-call optimised
+defcode ';', 1, F_IMMED, semicolon
+ push eax
+ push edi
+ mov edi, [var_here]
+ ; if last op was a call convert to jmp
+ lea ebx,[edi - 5]
+ mov byte al, [ebx]
+ cmp al, 0xe8
+ jne compile_ret
+ inc al
+ mov byte [ebx], al
+ pop edi
+ pop eax
+ jmp lbrac
+ ; compile in a ret call
+ mov al, 0xc3
+ stosb
+ mov [var_here], edi
+ pop edi
+ pop eax
+ jmp lbrac
+defcode 39, 1, 0, tick
+ pushs eax
+ mov ebx,[esp]
+ inc ebx
+ mov eax, [ebx]
+ add ebx, 4
+ mov [esp], ebx
+ add eax, ebx
+ ret
+defcode ',,', 2, 0, ccomma
+ push edi
+ mov edi,[var_here]
+ sub eax, edi
+ add eax, -5
+ push eax
+ mov al, 0xe8
+ stosb
+ pop eax
+ stosd
+ mov [var_here], edi
+ pop edi
+ pops eax
+ ret
+defcode 'allot', 5, 0, allot
+ mov ebx, [var_here]
+ add eax, ebx
+ mov [var_here],eax
+ pops eax
+ ret
+defcode 'immediate', 9, F_IMMED, immediate
+ mov ebx, [var_latest]
+ add ebx, 4
+ mov byte cl, [ebx]
+ add cl, F_IMMED
+ mov byte [ebx], cl
+ ret
+defcode '@', 1, F_INLINE, get
+ mov ebx, [eax]
+ mov eax, ebx
+ ret
+defcode '!', 1, F_INLINE, put
+ pops ebx
+ mov [eax], ebx
+ pops eax
+ ret
+defcode 'c@', 2, F_INLINE, getc
+ mov byte bl, [eax]
+ xor eax, eax
+ mov byte al, bl
+ ret
+defcode 'c!', 2, F_INLINE, putc
+ pops ebx
+ mov byte [eax], bl
+ pops eax
+ ret
+defcode 'fsize', 5, 0, fsize
+ mov ebx, eax
+ mov eax, 108
+ sub esp, 88 ; size of struct
+ mov ecx, esp
+ int 0x80
+ test eax, eax
+ jnz fsize_fail
+ mov eax, [esp+20] ; size field
+ add esp, 88
+ ret
+ mov eax, -1
+ add esp, 80
+ ret
+defcode 'execute', 7, 0, exec
+ mov ebx, eax
+ pops eax
+ jmp ebx
+ ; Radix sort
+defcode 'sort' , 4, 0, sort
+ push esi
+ push edi
+ mov ebx, 1
+ push eax
+ ; Convert to offset binary
+ mov esi, [ebp]
+ mov edi, [ebp]
+ mov ecx, [esp]
+ lodsd
+ xor eax, 0x80000000
+ stosd
+ loop sort_offset
+ mov edi, [var_here]
+ ; Copy 0s
+ mov esi, [ebp]
+ mov ecx, [esp]
+ lodsd
+ test eax, ebx
+ jnz sort_0cpy_next
+ stosd
+ loop sort_0cpy
+ ; Copy 1s
+ mov esi, [ebp]
+ mov ecx, [esp]
+ lodsd
+ test eax, ebx
+ jz sort_1cpy_next
+ stosd
+ loop sort_1cpy
+ ; Copy back
+ mov esi, [var_here]
+ mov edi, [ebp]
+ mov ecx, [esp]
+ lodsd
+ stosd
+ loop sort_cpy_back
+ shl ebx, 1
+ test ebx,ebx
+ jnz sort_again
+ ; Convert from offset binary
+ mov esi, [ebp]
+ mov edi, [ebp]
+ mov ecx, [esp]
+ lodsd
+ xor eax, 0x80000000
+ stosd
+ loop sort_offset2
+ pop ecx
+ pop edi
+ pop esi
+ pops eax
+ pops eax
+ ret
+defvar 'state', 5, 0, state, 0
+defvar 'here', 4, 0, here, 0
+defvar 'latest', 6, 0, latest, name_syscall0
+defvar 'sfactor', 7, 0, sfactor, 0x00010000
+defvar 'sign-bit', 8, 0, sign_bit, 0x80000000
+defvar 'exp-bit', 7, 0, exp_bit, 0x40000000
+defvar 'inf', 3, 0, inf, 0x7fffffff
+defvar '-inf', 4, 0, ninf, 0xffffffff
+defvar 'oddbits', 7, 0, oddbits, 0x55555555
+defvar 'evenbits', 8, 0, evenbits, 0xaaaaaaaa
+ ; increases dictionary memory
+defcode 'brkinc', 6, 0, brkinc
+ xor ebx, ebx
+ mov ecx, eax
+ mov eax, 45 ; brk
+ int 0x80
+ add eax, ecx
+ mov ebx, eax
+ mov eax, 45 ; brk
+ int 0x80
+ pops eax
+ ret
+defcode 'syscall6', 8, 0, syscall6
+ push eax
+ pops eax
+ pops edi
+ pops esi
+ pops edx
+ pops ecx
+ pops ebx
+ push ebp
+ mov ebp, eax
+ lea eax,[esp +