diff options
authorJustin Bedo <cu@cua0.org>2018-10-09 18:18:10 +1100
committerJustin Bedo <cu@cua0.org>2018-10-09 18:18:10 +1100
commit237222d53a6958490eb10ca4480698234e655345 (patch)
parent3a29fbba0d83d30939094b6dd7b78b41aed8a2bb (diff)
Simplify default to error in types
1 files changed, 5 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/lib/types.nix b/lib/types.nix
index a347046..8dabc4f 100644
--- a/lib/types.nix
+++ b/lib/types.nix
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
{bionix, nixpkgs}:
with nixpkgs;
+with lib;
nix-adt-src = fetchFromGitHub {
@@ -16,21 +17,13 @@ let
idft = sym: ft: _: abort "unhandled filetype (${ft}) for ${sym}";
idst = sym: st: _: abort "unhandled sorting (${st}) for ${sym}";
+ defError = errF: y: x: listToAttrs (map (n: nameValuePair n (errF n)) (filter (x: builtins.substring 0 1 x != "_") (attrNames x))) // y;
rec {
option-sort = option sorting;
- matchFiletype = sym: y: x: if x ? filetype then match x.filetype ({
- fa = idft sym "fasta";
- fq = idft sym "fastq";
- bam = idft sym "bam";
- sam = idft sym "sam";
- cram = idft sym "cram";
- vcf = idft sym "vcf";
- bed = idft sym "bed";
- gz = idft sym "gz";
- bz2 = idft sym "bz2";
- } // y) else abort "unknown filetype for ${sym}";
+ matchFiletype = sym: y: x: if x ? filetype then match x.filetype (defError (idft sym) y filetype) else abort "unknown filetype for ${sym}";
filetype = make-type "filetype" {
fa = {};
fq = {};
@@ -47,7 +40,7 @@ rec {
toBam = matchFiletype "bam2cram" { bam = filetype.bam; sam = filetype.bam; cram = filetype.bam; };
toSam = matchFiletype "bam2cram" { bam = filetype.sam; sam = filetype.sam; cram = filetype.sam; };
- matchSorting = sym: y: let f = x: match x.sorting { some = z: match z ( { coord = idst sym "coord"; name = idst sym "name"; } // y); none = abort "unknown sort for ${sym}"; }; in matchFiletype sym { bam = f; sam = f; cram = f; };
+ matchSorting = sym: y: let f = x: match x.sorting { some = z: match z (defError (idst sym) y sorting); none = abort "unknown sort for ${sym}"; }; in matchFiletype sym { bam = f; sam = f; cram = f; };
sorting = make-type "sorting" {
coord = {};
name = {};