path: root/slides.tex
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diff --git a/slides.tex b/slides.tex
index 8bf6c26..52f6f7a 100644
--- a/slides.tex
+++ b/slides.tex
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\begin{definition}[Compositional data] Data \(X \in \R^{n \times d}\) is compositional if rows \(\bx_i\) are in the simplex
- \[S^d=\{\,\bx \in \R^d : \forall j,x_j > 0 ; \sum_{j=1}^d x_j = \kappa\,\} \]
+ \[S^d=\{\,\bx \in \R^d : \forall j,x_j > 0 ; \sum_{j=1}^d x_j = \kappa\,\} \]
for constant \(\kappa > 0\).
\end{definition} Information is therefore given only by the ratios of components and any composition can be normalised to the standard simplex where \(\kappa = 1\) (c.f., dividing by library size).
@@ -66,10 +67,10 @@
\begin{frame}{Isomorphisms to Euclidean vector spaces} The simplex forms a \(d-1\) dimensional Euclidean vector space
- \[\alr(\bx)_i = \log \frac{x_i}{x_0} \]
+ \[\alr(\bx)_i = \log \frac{x_i}{x_0} \]
- \[\clr(\bx)_i = \log \frac{x_i}{\left(\prod_{j=1}^d x_j\right)^{\frac 1 d}} \]
+ \[\clr(\bx)_i = \log \frac{x_i}{\left(\prod_{j=1}^d x_j\right)^{\frac 1 d}} \]
@@ -107,7 +108,7 @@
\ac{pca}} Given \(\X\in \R^{n\times d}\) minimise loss
- \[\ell_{\textsc{pca}} \triangleq {\lVert \X - \V\A \rVert}^2_{\textrm{F}} \]
+ \[\ell_{\textsc{pca}} \triangleq {\lVert \X - \V\A \rVert}^2_{\textrm{F}} \]
\(\V \in \R^{n \times k}\), \(\A \in \R^{k \times d}\), and \(\V^\intercal \V = \I\).
@@ -120,14 +121,39 @@
\begin{definition}{Bregman Divergence} Let \(\varphi \colon \R^d \to \R\) be a smooth ($C^1$) convex function on convex set \(\Omega\).
The Bregman divergence \(D_\varphi\) with generator \(\varphi\) is
- \[ D_\varphi\left(\bu\,\Vert\,\bv\right) \triangleq \varphi(\bu)-\varphi(\bv)-\langle \nabla\varphi(\bv),\bu-\bv\rangle. \]
+ \[ D_\varphi\left(\bu\,\Vert\,\bv\right) \triangleq \varphi(\bu)-\varphi(\bv)-\langle \nabla\varphi(\bv),\bu-\bv\rangle. \]
Denote the convex conjugate of \(\varphi\) as \(\varphi^*(\bu) \triangleq \sup_\bv\left\{\langle \bu,\bv\rangle-\varphi(\bv)\right\}\).
The exponential family
\ac{pca} is then given by minimising loss
- \[\ell_{\varphi} \triangleq {D_\varphi\left(\X\,\Vert\,\nabla\varphi^*\left(\V\A\right)\right)}^2 \]
+ \[\ell_{\varphi} \triangleq D_\varphi\left(\X\,\Vert\,\nabla\varphi^*\left(\V\A\right)\right) \]
under the same constraints as previously, approximating \(\X \sim \nabla\varphi^*\left(\V\A\right)\).
+ \begin{frame}{Aitchison's simplex and exponential
+ \ac{pca}} Aitchison's log-transformation is a dual affine coordinate space made explicit with
+ \[\varphi(z) = z\log(z) - z \Leftrightarrow \varphi^*(z) = e^z, \]
+ but what about normalisation?
+ Consider
+ \ac{alr}:
+ \[\alr(\bx) \triangleq x_0 \sum_{i=1}^d\varphi\left(\frac{x_i}{x_0}\right) \Leftrightarrow \alr^*(\bx) = x_0\sum_{i=1}^d e^{\frac{x_i}{x_0}} \]
+ \end{frame}
+ \begin{frame}
+ \begin{theorem}{Scaled Bregman
+ \footfullcite{nock2016scaled}} Let \(\varphi \colon \mathcal{X} \to \R\) be convex differentiable and \(g \colon \mathcal{X} \to \R\) be differentiable.
+ Then
+ \[g(\bx)\cdot D_\varphi\left(\frac{\bx}{g(\bx)}\,\middle\Vert\,\frac{\by}{g(\by)}\right) = D_{\breve{\varphi}}\left(\bx\,\middle\Vert\,\by\right) \]
+ where
+ \[\breve{\varphi} \triangleq g(\bx) \cdot \varphi\left(\frac{x}{g(\bx)}\right) \]
+ \end{theorem}
+ Avalos et al.
+ \footfullcite{avalos2018representation}
+ \ considered a relaxed form for \ac{clr} recently.
+ \end{frame}