dedumi.gitUMI deduplication for paired end sequencing4 weeks
latexfmt.gitLaTeX formatter4 weeks
ppl.gitLazy probabilistic programming language reimplementation14 months
codapca.gitPCA for compositional data14 months
phylogenies.gitSubclonal phylogeny inference15 months
wehi-bioinformatics-talk-2022.gitTalk I gave in the Bioinformatics division seminar series at WEHI.16 months
mavedb-scraper.gitScrapes MaveDB and merges assays into a SQLite database17 months
bionix.gitFunctional, highly-reproducible bioinformatics pipelines18 months
bionix-wehi-workshop.gitMaterial for WEHI BioNix workshop18 months
clinvar.gitClinvar FZF based TUI3 years
forth.gitForth implementation in assembly3 years
flickrfs.gitFlicker 9P file server - deprecated: here for historical interest3 years
9son.gitJSON parser for Plan 93 years
linalg.gitA very simple linear algebra library for plan 9.3 years
genodict.gitCompiles genomes to a dictionary representation and computes similarity between ...3 years
xenomapper-hs.gitFilter primary alignments by a secondary alignment (for e.g., xenografts)3 years
pmt.gitPoisson Margin Test implementation in R3 years
LinProg.gitHaskell library with EDSL for linear programming3 years