bionix.gitFunctional, highly-reproducible bioinformatics pipelines18 months
xenomapper-hs.gitFilter primary alignments by a secondary alignment (for e.g., xenografts)3 years
LinProg.gitHaskell library with EDSL for linear programming3 years
pmt.gitPoisson Margin Test implementation in R3 years
genodict.gitCompiles genomes to a dictionary representation and computes similarity between ...3 years
linalg.gitA very simple linear algebra library for plan 9.3 years
9son.gitJSON parser for Plan 93 years
flickrfs.gitFlicker 9P file server - deprecated: here for historical interest3 years
forth.gitForth implementation in assembly3 years
clinvar.gitClinvar FZF based TUI3 years
latexfmt.gitLaTeX formatter5 weeks
mavedb-scraper.gitScrapes MaveDB and merges assays into a SQLite database17 months
bionix-wehi-workshop.gitMaterial for WEHI BioNix workshop18 months
wehi-bioinformatics-talk-2022.gitTalk I gave in the Bioinformatics division seminar series at WEHI.16 months
ppl.gitLazy probabilistic programming language reimplementation14 months
phylogenies.gitSubclonal phylogeny inference15 months
codapca.gitPCA for compositional data14 months
dedumi.gitUMI deduplication for paired end sequencing4 weeks