path: root/test-tnpair.nix
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
3 daysdeprecate platypusHEADmasterJustin Bedo
2022-10-24samtools.view,mosdepth.depth: add targets parameterJustin Bedo
2022-09-26last: align only a single fastq fileJustin Bedo
2022-05-16quip: initJustin Bedo
2022-02-28remove lumpy from testingJustin Bedo
2022-01-12gridss: add somatic variant filteringJustin Bedo
2021-12-20facets.callCNV: refactor interfaceJustin Bedo
2021-12-14tests: test RG line functionalityJustin Bedo
2021-12-14subread: initJustin Bedo
2021-12-03genmap: initJustin Bedo
2021-10-29treewide reformatting and simplificationJustin Bedo
2021-07-28bugfix: use unsorted type for alignment outputJustin Bedo
2021-02-19samtools-index: support cram indexingJustin Bedo
2021-02-03reinstate all testsJustin Bedo
2020-06-27whisper: init 2.0Justin Bedo
2020-02-09lastal: initJustin Bedo
2019-12-18lumpy: initJustin Bedo
2019-12-17Fix shard testJustin Bedo
2019-12-17delly: initJustin Bedo
2019-12-16manta: initJustin Bedo
2019-09-06strelka: default callSomatic to snvsJustin Bedo
2019-09-06test: disable strelka somatic testJustin Bedo
2019-09-06xenomapper: initJustin Bedo
2019-09-06CNVkit: split into multiple outputsJustin Bedo
2019-08-19snver: require labelled samplesJustin Bedo
2019-08-16mosdepth: add testJustin Bedo
2019-08-15hisat2: initJustin Bedo
2019-08-15SNVer: init 0.5.3Justin Bedo
2019-07-08tests: add kallisto testJustin Bedo
2019-07-08linkOutputs: refactor output linking expressionJustin Bedo
2019-07-03octopus: initial functionsJustin Bedo
2019-06-21bwa-mem2: initJustin Bedo
2019-06-21Add CNVkit testJustin Bedo
2019-05-09strelka: rewrite to use multiple outputsJustin Bedo
2019-05-09test: enable minimap and snap testsJustin Bedo
2019-05-09fastp: rename run to check for consistency with fastqcJustin Bedo
2019-05-02shard: Implement some basic sharding for FQ filesJustin Bedo
2019-05-02samtools-merge: detect correct sortingJustin Bedo
2019-05-01Add fastp.l-d-s
2019-04-30cleanup examples and stray filesJustin Bedo
2019-04-17snap: initJustin Bedo
2019-04-12minimap2: initJustin Bedo
2019-04-08grids: add function to include assemblies with annotated VCFJustin Bedo
2019-04-07Update example data and expand testsJustin Bedo
2019-01-15strelka: add germline callingJustin Bedo
2019-01-10facets: initJustin Bedo
2019-01-09large refactorJustin Bedo
2018-12-19link: introduce high-level linking functionsJustin Bedo
2018-12-10bowtie: initJustin Bedo
2018-11-29Revert "test-tnpair: avoid gridss.call while it's broken"l-d-s